How to reduce pressure quickly?

A person who does not have chronic problems with increasing blood pressure usually does not keep the necessary medicines in the home medicine cabinet and does not know what to do in such cases. But no one can guarantee that it will never rise. Therefore, after all, you should know how you can reduce rapidly high blood pressure at home tablets and folk remedies. After all, if you do not do it on time, there can be very serious consequences:

Drugs that rapidly reduce blood pressure

Drugs that affect the pressure are many, so if you feel unwell (headache, weakness, dizziness), it is worthwhile to measure blood pressure. Based on its results, and it is worth choosing a drug.

How to reduce quickly the upper pressure?

To do this, use drugs such as Metoprolol, Captopril and Inifedipine. Dosage should be determined according to the instructions, taking into account all existing chronic diseases. If the pressure rose to 180, it would be effective to use Andipan, Enapril, Cartopress, and up to 150 - Papazol and Dibasol.

How to lower fast low pressure?

Cardiac pressure can be reduced by taking Atenolol, Verapamil, Ramipril, Enalapril and their analogues.

But it is not always possible to quickly get the right medicine, which quickly reduces the pressure, in this case, traditional medicine will help, which came up with a huge number of alternative ways to reduce it.

How to reduce the pressure quickly by popular methods?

The most important thing is to ensure peace. It is convenient to sit or lie down, and try to relax. To do this, you need to lower your shoulders, but keep your neck straight, turn on quiet music or the sounds of nature (the surf sounds best), and listen to your breathing. This will help to normalize the rhythm of all organs, as one of the reasons for increasing pressure is negative emotions and experiences.

You can put in the usual way on the calf muscles, shoulder area and the lower part of the neck mustard. The heat formed in these places will expand the blood vessels and the blood will flow out, and within 10-15 minutes the pressure should begin to decrease.

Also effective is the acetic compress applied to the feet of a person for 15-20 minutes, and wiping with a tissue moistened in diluted water with 5-6% vinegar, the temporal and occipital parts of the head.

It is recommended to prepare a special drink:

  1. Brew loose black tea.
  2. Add a spoonful of honey and half a lemon of medium size.

Very good also helps green tea and a glass of fresh cranberry or cowberry mors.

Alternative methods

If you do not have any of the listed products at hand, you can simply take a hot shower, massage the occipital area and neck with a stream of water, or put your hands in a container with warm water (+ 37 ° C), and gradually increase its temperature to + 45 ° C, pouring hot.

Very effective are stroking the acupuncture points located under the earlobe in the groove. To conduct a finger (without pressing) follows from them and up to the middle of the clavicle 10 times on each side.

Reduce the pressure should be to those in which a person usually feels fine, usually this is 120 to 80. And in further monitor their pressure and follow advice on preventing its increase:

  1. Exclude alcohol and smoking.
  2. Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  3. Daily exercise for a minimum of 20-30 minutes.
  4. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and limit - red meat and sweets.
  5. The daily norm of vitamin C should be at least 500 mg, and calcium 1 mg, and the body must also be saturated with potassium and magnesium.