Vibration disease

It so happened that production is very widespread in our country. And although technological progress does not stand still, plants, factories, agricultural enterprises still can not do without specialists of a narrow profile. However, people who have simple working specialties like seamstresses, tractor drivers, milling cutters, drillers, moulders, riveters, grinders and the like, are too often exposed to vibration in their workplaces, and this can not but affect their health. After a while they, one way or another, face a vibrational disease.

Symptoms of Vibration Disease

The disease can make itself felt in six months, and in a few years. It can manifest itself with various symptoms and be more or less pronounced. In general, the vibration disease is difficult to treat and therefore is considered severe.

Depending on the degree of vibration influence, the vibration disease can manifest itself as local or general. When the vibration affects only a certain part of the body (for example, a hand or a foot), the disease has a local (local) character. If the entire body is exposed to vibration, then a general disease develops. Accordingly, the signs of vibration sickness of each type differ slightly:

Local type:

General type:

Diagnosis of Vibration Disease

For the purpose of treatment, the diagnosis of a vibrational disease is first carried out in order to determine its type and the degree of damage to the organism. Observations are conducted simultaneously in several directions:

In addition to these aspects, the working conditions of the patient, the degree of possible influence of vibration are also studied.

Treatment of Vibration Disease

Treatment of the disease is as follows:

  1. Exclude the influence of any vibration on the body.
  2. Limit exercise.
  3. Set the temperature regime, not allowing to be in the cold.
  4. Assign medicines: ganglioblokatory, cholinolytics, vasodilators, antispasmodics, restorative and sedatives.
  5. Vitamin complexes can be prescribed.
  6. Carry out acupuncture, sometimes electrotherapy.

Prevention of Vibration Disease

Prevention of the disease consists in improving working conditions, as well as applying some additional measures: