Discirculatory encephalopathy of 2nd degree

The main condition for the normal functioning of the brain, and, consequently, for all body systems, is a sufficient number of oxygen supplied to the cells as a result of circulation of blood. Discirculatory encephalopathy of the 2nd degree is the most common and dangerous for today pathology of vascular lesions of the brain tissues, as it significantly increases the risk of subsequent stroke.

Diagnosis of discirculatory encephalopathy of the 2nd degree - causes

The only reason causing the development of the disease under consideration is insufficient blood supply to the brain tissue. It occurs due to the following factors:

In addition, obesity, psychoemotional disorders, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, vegetovascular dystonia, alcoholism contribute to the progression of this pathology. The most common is dyscirculatory atherosclerotic encephalopathy of the 2nd degree, often occurring in combination with two other specified causes of the disease. Sometimes the syndrome in question is caused by vasculitis - an inflammatory process in the blood vessels.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy of 2nd degree - symptoms

Signs of this pathology occur even in the early stages, and then intensify. The main symptoms are:

These signs are especially pronounced in the evening and after overloads, for example, after a hard working day or a sleepless night.

It is worth noting that the diagnosis is established if the above symptoms last from six months or more.

Discirculatory encephalopathy of the 2nd degree - treatment

The disease under consideration is subject to complex therapy taking into account the factor that caused the pathology, as well as the concomitant diseases. In the development of the curative scheme, in addition to the neurologist, therapist, cardiologist and psychiatrist usually take part.

The main set of activities consists of the following steps:

  1. Strengthening of blood circulation in brain tissues. Special preparations are used for this: nootropil, solcoseryl, trental, tanakan, cavinton.
  2. Reducing the viscosity of blood (Aspirin, Tiklid, Instenon).
  3. Withdrawal of hypertensive syndrome by means of antagonists of Ca and beta-adrenoblockers (Finoptin, Atenolol, Nimopidine);
  4. Gipolipidemicheskaya therapy (nicotinic acid, Clofibrate).
  5. Physiotherapy procedures such as magnesium sulfate and euphyllene electrophoresis on the collar zone, electrosleep, Scherbak galvanic collar, Bourguignon electrophoresis, hyperbaric oxygenation.

In some cases, dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the 2nd degree requires surgical intervention, especially in cases of transient ischemic attacks.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy of 2nd degree - prognosis

As a rule, even with timely treatment at this stage, the disease continues to progress, albeit more slowly. With age, clinical symptoms increase, leading to the occurrence of repeated ischemic attacks, the addition of other vascular pathologies. Therefore, usually with the diagnosis of discirculatory encephalopathy of 2 degrees, disability is assigned not less than the second group.