Diffuse hair loss

Throughout life, a person has a hair change. Some hairs die and drop out, others grow. This is a natural cycle of their growth and development. In a day a person usually loses from 50 to 150 hairs. But, if the amount of hair falling out sharply increases, they noticeably thin, down to baldness, then the normal cycle of development of the hair follicle is broken.

Diffuse hair loss and, as a consequence, diffuse alopecia (baldness) is one of the most common types of baldness. In this case, the hair falls evenly over the entire surface of the head, but usually it is a reversible process, and after eliminating the cause that caused hair loss, they again grow back.

Causes of diffuse hair loss

Diffuse alopecia - uniform and intense hair loss throughout the head. It occurs because of disruptions in the development cycle of hair follicles, caused by some unfavorable external influence.

Distinguish between telogen and anagen diffusion hair loss . The telogen form - when under the influence of unfavorable factors a considerable part of the follicles goes to the stage of telogen (rest). At the same time, the hair's body separates from the root, and they begin to fall out intensively during washing, combing, etc. After eliminating the factors, the effect of which caused the allopecia, the hair begins to grow back, and after a few months the hair loss finally stops.

The causes of diffuse hair loss can serve as:

So, in women, diffuse hair loss is often associated with exposure to the hormone dihydrotestosterone.

Anagenic form is characterized by a more abrupt and intense loss of curls. The causes of its occurrence are the impact of various aggressive and potent factors - chemotherapy, radiation, toxins.

Treatment of diffuse hair loss

With diffuse hair loss, the main thing is to eliminate the cause of its appearance. Treatment requires an integrated approach, takes from 3 or more months, may require consultation of the endocrinologist and other specialists (nephrologist, gynecologist).

After the elimination of the cause, supportive therapy is prescribed, which is designed to stimulate hair growth, and can include: physiotherapy, the use of Minoxidil, the use of various therapeutic masks, sprays and balms.