Caramel villages, cities from salami and other tasty landscapes of Carl Warner!

Do you remember how in childhood we read fairy tales about milk rivers and booby shores, but we still could not imagine, how could this be?

So, the hero of our post - the British photographer Carl Warner (Carl Warner) will teach us to fantasize and believe in the most incredible ... And believe me, very soon you will not doubt that caramel villages, cheese valleys, chocolate locomotives, mountains of grubby French rolls , the jungle of broccoli and even the city of salami actually exist!

For several years, children and adults around the world are waiting with a sinking heart for each new photo of the series "Landscapes from Food", knowing that they are waiting for an incredible realistic and enchanting edible fairy tale!

Prepare yourself, for a moment before a huge portion of magic ...

1. In this cozy rural landscape you can eat all the details!

2. It looks like we know what you'll spend the next 30 minutes looking at this candy street!

3. That would be a walk here ...

4. How to buy a ticket here?

5. Have you started salivating too?

6. For those who love Italy just like that!

7. A sausage-sausage trip!

8. Can not you also take your eyes off the cucumber bridge?

9. That's how happiness looks!

10. Or maybe it's like this?

11. Garlic Village!

12. How accurately the products are selected!

13. Bewitching, right?

14. Oh, and this is a baked potato in the foreground?

15. This is a fantasy!

16. The reality is off scale!

17. Yellow mood!

18. Open the secret - the house for the photo was built of cheese Stilton!

19. Yes, we are ready to move here!

20. Even cracks in the cheese house for accuracy!

21. And I want to run to decorate the Christmas tree!

22. Broccoli is the photographer's favorite product!

23. Well, everything - we are ready to postpone our affairs for another 30 minutes!

24. We found dumplings, and you?

25. In a word - magic!

26. Now we will represent the "coca-cola" factory like this!

27. London, you are beautiful!

28. Edible pyramids of Maya?

29. Rock concert on the roof. Ideally!

30. However, the Brazilian party on the ocean is even better!

31. And we remember that Halloween is on the nose!

32. Those who are on a diet, we do not envy ...

33. This is simply incomprehensible to the mind!

34. What delicious treasures!

35. We do not know how you are, but we - for a snack!