Childish offense: 20 youngsters, who will have to beg for mercy!

Mummies, whose kids are growing up, know firsthand what childhood whims are, their first "I want" and the first "can not" ...

But how to explain the youngster, who is just beginning to get acquainted with the world, that he can not do everything, not everything is allowed and not every one of his demands will be fulfilled? And even when he looks at you with a look of his own, full of resentment and disappointment, after which you want to beg mercy from His Majesty?

1. Yes, as soon as it was possible to offend me?

2. And you do not mind me at all?

3. Do not wait - men do not cry!

4. I will remember this for a long time!

5. That's grown up, and you'll dance for me!

6. Have you regretted it? For me???

7. Wounded in the heart!

8. It's not real!

9. How is it that my desires will not be fulfilled?

10. And do not suck up!

11. Yes, I just wanted to handle!

12. I do not need your apologies!

13. To you know - I'm very hurt!

14. I did not think that you would do this to me ...

15. What does it mean - my mother loves not only me, but also my father?

16. Only you will fall asleep at night, and I will take vengeance on you!

17. I did not expect such from you!

18. I'll complain on you to my grandmother!

19. So what if it's small - I understand everything!

20. So this is you did not put me "like" ???