Bronchitis in children

The attack of viruses and bacteria often causes the child's disease with bronchitis. Mostly this occurs in the autumn-winter period, when the supercooling of the organism is added to the binge of the infection.

There are several variants of this disease, and, accordingly, methods of treatment. Let's take a closer look at each of them to know how to treat a child's bronchitis. It should be noted right away that getting rid of the ailment is complex, that is, apart from pharmacy products, a certain regime of the day, different procedures and, probably, folk methods will be required.

How correctly to treat a bronchitis at the child in house conditions?

The basic rules, without which the process of recovery will be delayed, relate to the environment in the house - clean, fresh and humid room air, as well as the temperature regime.

This does not mean that the child should sit at the open window and freeze. If you correctly approach this question, you can be surprised to find that such simple methods as wet cleaning and airing, it turns out, work, and therefore, they should not be neglected.

In the acute period, that is, the onset of the disease, when the child has a fever, you should observe bed rest. But as soon as the baby becomes lighter, he must certainly start moving to get the phlegm to retreat faster. Very useful breathing exercises with a pat on the shoulders and sides, which contribute to the early clearance of the bronchi.

How to treat acute bronchitis in a child?

Usually at the very beginning of the disease there is a runny nose and a dry cough. Presence of discharge from the nose suggests that this is a viral bronchitis, which means that an antibiotic is not needed. If the spout is dry, then most likely the disease is bacterial in nature, which will easily confirm the clinical analysis of blood, and then from the first day will require antibacterial therapy.

In addition, they certainly prescribe means for liquefying sputum, and when the cough from the dry goes into the wet, they are replaced by expectorants. Combine these two groups of drugs can not, because you can cause stasis of mucus in the bronchi.

Typically, the disease lasts from 7 to 14 days, but if the child is not treated, or leave the disease untreated, then it develops into a chronic form, and this threatens with bronchial asthma, so it is important to start the doctor's appointment in time.

Parents need to know how to treat chronic bronchitis in children. To do this, it is necessary to maintain a constant humidity in the room of about 55%, which is easy to do with an air humidifier. Rooms in the house should be free of dust and things that accumulate - carpets, feather pillows, soft toys with long nap - in short, anything that can trigger an allergic reaction.

The way of life of a child suffering from chronic bronchitis should be reduced to health-improving procedures, to sports. At the time of exacerbation, the treatment is performed similarly, as in acute bronchitis. It is important to strengthen the immunity of the child in order to reduce the frequency of colds that lead to an aggravation of the disease.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis in a child?

Another complication of conventional bronchitis is obstruction, that is, blockage and obstruction in the bronchi. In addition to expectorants and antibiotics, the child is prescribed inhalation with the help of a nebulizer with hormonal drugs that relieve spasm and expand the lumens in the bronchi for the separation of sputum.

How to treat bronchitis in a child with folk remedies?

In addition to drug therapy, popular methods are also successfully used. It is very good for sputum expectoration to use the juice of black radish, mixed with honey. Excellent softens the irritated neck of the milk with the addition of oil and honey.

The child must drink a lot of warm drinks, which saturate the body with vitamins, remove toxins and maintain proper water and salt balance. Good for this purpose fruit juice from cranberries, cranberries, raspberries, currants, viburnum, teas from lime, chamomile, sage, mint and melissa.

Help warming the back and chest compresses of potatoes with honey. Steam inhalation over a saucepan with various alkaline decoctions and mixtures, like potatoes with soda and garlic, or infusions of needles and eucalyptus, along with medicines improve the microflora of the upper respiratory tract.

When treating a disease such as bronchitis, it is very important not to engage in amateur activity, but to provide the prescription of medicines to a qualified doctor.