Tempering of children in kindergarten

Everyone knows that hardening is very useful for a child's body. These procedures can increase the defenses of the body, increase resistance to infections and temperature changes. And since most of the time the kids spend in the team, then tempering the children in the kindergarten is an indispensable measure.

The main goal of tempering toddlers in kindergarten is to improve and prevent colds and infectious diseases.

Types and systems of hardening in kindergarten

The organization of tempering in kindergarten assumes the following basic rules - gradualness and regularity.

In the domestic children's educational institutions (in the dow) the most popular types of hardening are water and air procedures. Let us dwell on them in more detail.

Procedures for air conditioning in kindergarten include:

Water hardening is another effective method. It includes the following:

Of the methods of non-traditional hardening in the kindergarten can be noted salt hardening. It consists in the following. The child walks for a few minutes on the "health path" (massage mat) , covered with a 10% salt solution soaked with a napkin, then goes around the dry surface for the same amount of time, then the procedure repeats. This alternation will give the necessary contrast, and the participation of salt and massage elements helps harden the skin of the feet and prevent flat feet.

It should be noted that all the above procedures for tempering in kindergarten should start in the summer. They start gradually, slowly lowering the temperature and increasing the duration of each procedure. Complexes of hardening in kindergarten are always under the supervision of a medical worker. Over the three summer months, the children's body gets used to coolness and contrast, and by autumn the resistance of children to viral infections is significantly higher.

For this reason, hardening is expedient not only on weekdays, but also at home on weekends. To do this, it is enough to observe at least the appropriate regime of the day and the temperature regime of the room, and daily walks in the fresh air are also desirable.

In addition to the actual hardening procedures, the regime of the day plays a huge role in improving children's health. These are meals, walks and sleep every day at the same time and in the same conditions. In each kindergarten there are medical requirements for the microclimate in the premises of the group (they are the same for everyone and are mandatory to compliance). And since tempering is a whole complex of measures, ideally it should be individual, taking into account the state of health of each child. As an option - this division of children into two groups (absolutely healthy and those who recently had been ill or just beginning to become hardened).

Parents relate to tempering in different ways: someone for, someone against. But if you give your child to the garden, be prepared in advance that your baby will be in the team and, accordingly, comply with all the requirements. In this there is nothing terrible or bad, but the benefit of hardening is obvious.