Cytovir-3 - syrup for children

Each mother worries about how to protect her child from colds and infectious diseases. Fortunately, medical science does not stand still, and every year there are new tools to solve this problem.

Recently, Citovir-3, which is prescribed for adults and children for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B and other acute respiratory viral infections, is gaining popularity. Cytovir-3 is available in the form of capsules (for adults and children over 6 years) and syrup (for children aged 1 year, which can be taken, if necessary, by the whole family).

Structure of the preparation

In the composition of Cytovir-3, three active components: bendazole, alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan (thymogen sodium) and ascorbic acid.

  1. Bendazol (dibasol) stimulates the production of endogenous (intrinsic) interferon in the body. Remember the pink liquid in the ampoules from our childhood that you had to dig in your nose and keep it tightly closed in the refrigerator? It was an interferon that we received from outside and which also protected us from viruses. And thanks to the bentazole contained in Citovir-3, the body increases the production of its own "native" interferon.
  2. Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan (thymogen sodium) acts on the T-cell link of immunity, enhances the action of bendazole.
  3. Ascorbic acid positively affects the humoral unit of immunity, reduces inflammation, and has antioxidant properties.

It is the combined effect of these three components that gives an optimal and lasting therapeutic effect. That's why it happens: in the 1960s, scientists discovered the property of bendazole to activate the production of interferon in the body. However, this effect was unstable, and with prolonged use of bendazole, the production of interferon decreased - the so-called period of refractoriness came. Not so long ago it was found out that thymogen sodium can prolong the production of interferon produced by bendazole, "canceling" the period of refractoriness. Thus, the combination of these substances in combination with ascorbic acid, which reduces the permeability of the capillary walls, best blocks the developing infection, relieves inflammation and activates its own defenses.

Indications for use

The use of pediatric Citovir-3 for preventive purposes during the flu epidemic significantly reduces the risk of infection. If the child still becomes ill with ARVI, taking Citovir-3 in the first hours of the disease halves the duration of the course of the disease, many times reduces the likelihood of complications. The effectiveness of Citovir-3 against influenza A and B viruses, the most common adenoviruses and rhinoviruses, and p-microviruses has been proven. Cytovir-3 is well combined with preparations of symptomatic treatment of infectious diseases. Studies have also shown that cytovir-3 does not cause allergic reactions, and any side effects are also extremely rare. Only in children with cardiovascular system disorders, when taking cytovir-3, a temporary decrease in blood pressure is possible. Also, do not recommend taking Citovir-3 syrup for children with diabetes mellitus or a tendency to develop it (because of the sugar content in it).

How to take Citovir-3?

According to the instructions for the use of cytovir-3, it should be taken in the following dosage:

Cytovir is taken orally 30 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of infectious diseases, the drug should be taken in the first hours of the disease and taken within 4 days. If one of the family members becomes ill, everyone else should also start taking Citovir-3 to prevent infection.

To prevent infectious diseases, cytovir-3 is taken in the same dosage and the same number of days. Preventive drug intake can be repeated every 3-4 weeks throughout the epidemic period.