Laryngospasm in children

Laryngospasm is a fairly common phenomenon in children of the first two years of life. Despite the fact that severe fatal cases are extremely rare, parents need to know what measures to take if the child has a spasm of the larynx.

Symptoms of laryngospasm in children

The main signs of the onset of laryngospasm include a sharp change in breathing caused by a narrowing of the larynx muscles. The child tilts his head back, his mouth opens and a sharp whistle is heard, caused by a constriction. The child immediately pale skin, can be observed cyanosis of the face, especially in the nasolabial triangle.

Laryngospasm is characterized by cold sweat, as well as the inclusion of auxiliary muscles in the process of breathing.

A typical attack can last up to several minutes. After this, the breathing is gradually restored, and the baby begins to feel normal. In some cases, children can fall asleep immediately after laryngospasm stops.

In more severe cases, children may lose consciousness. For such spasms, convulsions of the extremities are characteristic, involuntary walking "for themselves," the release of foam from the mouth.

If the attack is delayed, the child may be asphyxiated.

How to remove laryngospasm in a child?

At the first symptoms of laryngospasm in children it is important to provide emergency care. Correct and timely actions will help quickly to neutralize the attack, not leading up to its deterioration.

First of all, it is necessary to remain calm, as nervousness can be transmitted to the child, increasing spasm.

The first aid for laryngospasm in children is reduced to restoring breathing. For this, it is necessary to provoke irritative reflexes in him. So, the baby can pinch, pat him on the back or gently pull it by the tip of the tongue. Efforts to induce vomiting reflex are also effective. To do this, the tip of a small spoon is to touch the root of the tongue. Also, the face of the baby can be sprinkled with cold water and provide him with fresh air, because at the time of spasm the baby feels a shortage of oxygen.

If the child is old enough to understand and fulfill your request, you need to invite him to hold his breath deliberately by taking a deep breath before it.

If the measures do not help, the baby's nose moistened with ammonia is brought to the baby's nose. In especially severe cases, intubation is performed.

Treatment of laryngospasm in children

The course of treatment for diagnosed laryngospasm is indicated by the doctor. Before this, the cause, which provoked the development of this disease, is unclear.

Among the main recommendations within the scope of treatment, it can be noted: