Lucy Hale and Ian Harding

When your favorite movie heroes are the perfect couple in a movie, fans always want their pets to be happy together in life. The heroes of the popular youth series "Lovely Deceivers" Lucy Hale and Ian Harding were no exception. They so convincingly play the young people passionately in love with each other, that the fans began to sincerely believe in their real relationship. And how can I not believe it when they are always together on all the photos on the Internet?

Ian Harding and Lucy Hale meet?

Lucy Hale and Ian - one of the most beloved couples among the audience of the series. They are together on the screen and between shootings. Their photos are full of Instagram and Twitter, they look so harmonious and obviously just adore each other. And when Lucy and Ian are on our screens ... Definitely, there is a spark between them - they are very convincing lovers. "I will never forget the day I met this guy. He made my life much more interesting ... ", says Lucy, congratulating Jena on her 29th birthday in September 2015. "We are very comfortable together," says Ian Harding about his partner Lucy.

What links Lucy Hale and Ian Harding?

To all questions about the intimate relationship Lucy Hale and Ian Harding answer unequivocally that they are just friends . Lucy claims that Ian is for her as a brother, with whom they can share everything most important and personal without embarrassment. Hale is firmly convinced that starting a relationship with Harding means losing a friend forever.

Ian is even more categorical in his answers about personal. "I live my life," - so he answers all questions that, in his opinion, affect too intimate areas of life. And as a large part of the fans are teenagers, sometimes it is even too difficult to communicate with them. For the most part, these are pleasant meetings, though random, but there are also funny things.

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Perhaps it is his screen image of the teacher who has twisted the love relationship with the student - because Ian Harding meets with the schoolgirl in the television series, some fans make "logical" conclusions that he is capable of doing this in life. Actor such conclusions, to put it mildly, discouraged.