Blood sausage at home

Blood sausage (or so-called black pudding) is a special kind of sausage, the main ingredient of which is the blood of domestic animals (pork and / or bovine, veal). According to the ancient comedian Menander, the recipe for the preparation of the blood-sausage was invented by a cook named Afteney, who at the time was considered the best in Athens. Currently, many residents of villages and small settlements in different countries are preparing blood sausage at home. The preparation of such a product is a good way to maximize the use of slaughter animals. Sausage-krovyanka at home is not worse than it is cooked at meat-packing plants.

How to cook blood sausage?

Natural guts for cooking sausages are usually sold in markets in meat rows (usually even cleaned and ready for use). The composition of minced meat for home blood sausage except for blood includes pork, meat cuttings, lard, sometimes tongue, liver and some other offal. It happens that the composition includes various cereals in the form of porridge, chicken eggs, natural milk cream. Of course, minced meat seasoned with salt, dry spices, sometimes garlic.

About the process

Blood is pre-purified from multiple micro-formations that naturally arise as a result of the coagulation due to the presence of fibrin in the blood. Blood, flowing from the vessels of a newly killed animal, is whipped with a special brush for purification; after this procedure, it can persist long enough. In the next stage, before further use, the blood is usually filtered through a fine-mesh sieve.

Of what to prepare a blood sausage?

So, the simplest recipe for homemade blood sausage without porridge. Preparing homemade sausage-krovyanku is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance.



How to make a blood sausage? First we gut it. Cut off the fat of the skin and crush it into small cracklings. For this, the meat grinder will work well. Garlic will be sold through the press. We mix all the ingredients and, using a special funnel, fill the intestines, sometimes twisting or bandaging with twine. The ends, of course, also tied. The resulting sausages are pierced by a needle in several places and placed in a spacious container with warm water. Put on the weakest fire. Cook should be about 30 minutes. At this stage, you need to be as careful as possible so that sausages do not break due to inflation. During cooking, additional piercing may be necessary. Gently remove the sausage and chill it. You can hang sausages in a cool, well-ventilated pantry or put in a refrigerator. It is better not to store them for more than 3 weeks.

Dietary sausage

And here is another recipe for making blood-sausage, which can be considered dietary.



Meat finely chopped and let's go through the meat grinder. The resulting mince is added, add dry spices and cognac. All carefully mix and fill well washed and scraped bowels, tie with a string of string or chef twine. Sausage cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, piercing a toothpick in case of inflation. Then, bake in the oven (another 15-20 minutes). To the blood sausage you can serve any side dishes and vegetable salads, as well as table and strong wines.