Adenovirus infection

Adenovirus infection belongs to the group of acute respiratory infections (acute respiratory viral infections). Adenovirus infection affects the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes and the gastrointestinal tract. Transmitted by airborne droplets, less often through objects and by oral-fecal route. The person who has recovered can carry the infection within 25 days after recovery. There are more than 35 adenovirus groups that cause this disease. Depending on the type of adenovirus, the symptoms may differ.

Symptoms of adenovirus infection

Adenovirus infection in adults is less common than in children. Duration of the disease is from several days to 3 weeks. In some cases, adenovirus pneumonia may develop on day 3-5 of the disease, which in young children may start suddenly. Symptoms include fever, prolonged fever (up to several weeks), increased coughing, shortness of breath. For babies, viral pneumonia threatens the disease with encephalitis, necrosis of the lungs and the brain. In general, with untimely and incorrect treatment of adenovirus infection, and another type of acute respiratory viral infection in children, development of diseases affecting the internal organs and systems of the body can be observed. Because of the possibility of complications, with symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection in infants, it is recommended to immediately start the diagnosis and treatment under the supervision of an experienced specialist. Also complications of infectious diseases are dangerous for adults.

Diagnosis of adenovirus infection is very difficult, due to fuzzy changes in blood that causes adenovirus. Therefore, if symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection occur, it is customary to make differential diagnosis in pediatrics. Analyzes are conducted for the presence of other similar diseases. For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children, first of all, the causative agent of the disease is established. This determines further actions. If an adenovirus infection is detected in children, the treatment will be similar to the treatment of other acute respiratory infections, with some correction of medication intake.

Treatment of adenovirus infection in children

General recommendations are the same as in the treatment of ARVI in children. Bed rest, plentiful drink, light meals with appetite. To bring down the temperature to 38.5 degrees is not recommended, in the absence of a threat of seizures or other consequences.

Medical preparations are appointed by the attending physician on the basis of the results of the tests and localization of the inflammatory processes. With eye damage, eye drops are prescribed, with throat damage - rinsing with special solutions. It is important to consider that the adenovirus is very resistant to the external environment, it can withstand low and high temperatures. The room where the patient is located must be treated with chlorine solutions (the patient should not breathe fumes), follow preventive measures.

Prevention of ARVI in children

Regardless of the type of virus, preventive measures are the same. In case of epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections, children should limit their contacts and visits to public institutions. Also in the off-season avoid mass gatherings of the people. Strengthen immunity. The difference between adenovirus infection is that the epidemics are not related to the time of year. Most outbreaks are observed in newly formed children's groups of school and preschool institutions. In such cases it will be better if the child stays at home during the quarantine. After treatment of ARVI in children, it takes time to restore the body. Do not immediately send the child to the kindergarten or school.

Do not underestimate the risk of acute respiratory viral infection, disregard the diagnosis and treatment process. The right approach will protect you and your baby from complications and negative consequences and will preserve your health.