Funny contests for a fun company

Do you have an event for which you want to invite friends? Then you have to think about how you will entertain them. After a boring feast or, worse, a banal booze, everyone is already tired. I want the guests to remember for a long time how fun and interesting they spent your time with.

To party was unusual, and no one was bored, you need to come up with various cool contests for your gay friends company.

Funny contests for the company

  1. Sitting dances . Participate in the competition can be several people at once, who sit on chairs in the center of the room or hall. Playing incendiary music. The presenter says which part of the body of the participants should dance, for example, now only the head, eyebrows, hands, lips and so on dance and so on. The main condition of the contest is to dance without getting up from your seat. At the end of the music, the audience chooses the best dancer.
  2. Forks-tentacles . The player is blindfolded and he must recognize the object lying in front of him. However, you can do this by touching the subject with only two forks that the participant holds in his hands. The player is allowed to ask leading questions, and the facilitator should only answer "yes" or "no". Hand touching objects is prohibited! The winner is the one who in two minutes will try to guess as many items as possible.
  3. Dance with objects . Each of the participants must dance to a certain music with the subject, which he will give the presenter. For example, with fins - a dance of small ducklings, with a mop - striptease, with a broom - grandmother-foot, with bracelets and an improvised chadra - oriental dance, etc.
  4. Women's stuff . For this comic contest, the company of men is chosen, which will be put on by a female bra. Believe me, many men do not know how this is done, so that a cheerful mood is guaranteed to everyone. After everyone copes with the task, and someone will be the most skillful in this difficult matter, the presenter proposes to continue the competition and now remove the bra .
  5. The maternity home . Two people participate: one is the wife who gave birth, and the other is the husband who came to visit her. The husband should ask detailed questions about the child, and the wife with the help of gestures should respond, because the windows in the room do not miss the sounds. Will be guaranteed fun!
  6. Find it blind . All players are split in pairs: a man and a woman. Inventory - stools, put upside down, their number is equal to the number of playing pairs. Men at a distance of 3 meters are opposite the stools and they are blindfolded. Girls are given out 10 matchboxes. A man with closed eyes should reach the woman, take the boxes from her, go to the stool and put the matches on one of his legs. Then he must return to the girl, take her another box and repeat the same with him. Participants should not feel the legs of a stool, they should be helped by the words of a girl, suggesting where to go, how to take your hand or sit down. The pair that won, who could, without dropping, set all four boxes on the legs of the stool.
  7. Find me . This interesting contest is suitable for a fun company whose members are broken up into pairs. A man is taken away from his partner for some distance and a mobile phone is placed between them on the floor. A man is invited to remember the place where the mobile is lying so that he can reach him blindfolded, and the reward for this will be the kiss of his lady. After the man is blindfolded, the phone is removed, and another guy sits down in the place of his partner. You will have fun!