Wedding ceremony in Russia

Modern wedding traditions are significantly different from the rites of the past. In ancient times in Russia, the bride was supposed to correspond to her husband in status and material condition. Parents themselves chose their children a couple, and quite often the first meeting of young people took place only at the wedding . The wedding was played only in the autumn or in the winter.

Wedding ceremony in Russia can be divided into three stages:

  1. Precursory. Consisted of matchmaking, sewing dowry and bachelorette party.
  2. Wedding. Wedding ceremony and wedding.
  3. Post-hospital. "Revealing" a young man in her husband's house, a festive table, morning awakening of the young.

Earlier, the marriage was as follows: when the parents decided that the time had come, they asked for advice from relatives, then sent matchmakers who were already engaged in marriage.

Ancient wedding ceremonies in Russia

The main attribute of the celebration was dowry, sometimes a lot of time was spent preparing it, everything depended on the material condition of the bride's family. It consisted of a bed, a dress, household utensils, ornaments, serfs or property, if the bride was of noble origin. The most dramatic moment was the "Baen" rite, when the girl was braided.

The ceremony was held in the evening, for him they wore the best dress and all the ornaments that were in stock. In the dressing room a table was prepared, and the groom's arrival was awaited. Then there was a ritual of combing her hair with her mother-in-law and braiding two braids, which symbolized a woman in marriage. After the blessings, the young people went to the wedding, according to the rules the groom had to come first. Only after the wedding, the couple could kiss. At the exit of young sprinkled with hop and flax seeds, with wishes of happiness. After all, they headed for the husband's house, where the celebration was already taking place.

Wedding ceremonies of Ancient Russia

Such a celebration in Russia had certain rules, which were to be observed. All the ancient wedding ceremonies in Russia had a certain scenario:

  1. By the rules the groom could not come for bride walking. Transport decorated with bells and ribbons, their ringing informed of the approach of the groom.
  2. In the organization of the wedding participated only the planted parents.
  3. Gifts for ransom were made only with their own hands.
  4. The groom entered the courtyard to the future test-house only after finishing the bride's repurchase.
  5. Engagement before the beginning of the 19th century took place only in the house of the bride, it was in it a couple was preparing for a wedding ceremony. Then they brought them out to the guests, sprinkled with corn and blessed for marriage. Only after that they went to the wedding.