I want a child - where to start?

Pregnancy and its planning is a serious period in the life of most couples. Some bring in the young, even without thinking about the fact that this should be prepared, and others carefully plan this important step. From many women, especially at a gynecologist's reception, you can hear: "I want a child, but where to start - I do not know." In fact, in planning there is nothing complicated, just need to follow certain instructions.

We want to have a baby - where should we start?

Some doctors say that if the couple is healthy, then the conception will come quickly and without much effort. Supporters of this theory are advised to begin planning when they have a desire, not bothering with the delivery of tests. However, everything is not so simple, and here one should not forget about hidden infections that may be in a "dormant state", but in pregnancy, both in the fetus and in the future parturient woman cause a lot of problems.

We want a husband with a child and visit a doctor - this is where you need to start planning your pregnancy. Consultation with a gynecologist is recommended to a woman in order to assess her health and determine the presence of pathological and inflammatory processes. In addition, it is necessary to take an analysis for TORCH-infection. How to start a man, so that the phrase "want to conceive a child" does not turn into an empty sound, - spermogram delivery to determine the qualitative composition of seminal fluid.

In addition, future parents are advised to adhere to the correct regime of day and nutrition:

So, the phrase: "I want a second child, but where to start - I do not remember," should not embarrass you. For repeated pregnancies, the list of actions is the same as for the first: visit a doctor, have more rest and eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle. All these actions will not make you wait a long time, and soon you will see two long-awaited strips on the test.