What does the name Elena mean?

The main features of the owners of this name are susceptibility and sensitivity. Elena is characterized by superficiality and gullibility, but they are spiritual and impressionable.

The name Elena, translated from Greek, means "bright."

Origin of the name Elena:

The name Elena comes from the ancient Greek "Helenos" and means "shining", "bright". Originally the name sounded like "Selena" - "the moon".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Elena:

Little Helen are impressionable, unreservedly believe in their parents. Very fond of fairy tales, on their basis they build their original inner world. They rarely seek to join a peer society, they prefer to be out of the party, two or three regular girlfriends choose to play games, they do not like shocks and changes. Outwardly and in character they often remind their father. In studies they are not purposeful, knowledge is given to them with alternate success, however to two or three subjects Elena is always interested, although it often depends on the teacher's personality. Successful in the sciences, which do not require rapid analysis, have good memory. Young Elena are shy, sometimes this quality is preserved in them and in adulthood.

Elena rarely reaches big career heights - mainly because they are devoid of ambition, and they have a humanitarian mindset and dispose them to mental and physical laziness. In life, they usually let everything go by themselves, they are indifferent to probable prospects and often simply can not appreciate them. They are well given to the profession associated with communication. Often Elena are good-looking and have a developed aesthetic taste, which opens the way for them in fashion models, designers, photomodels. Helen are humane and compassionate, but weak will rarely allows them to realize the desire for help in practice. Elena's superficiality sometimes causes offense to her friends. Elena is kind and equally equal to all her friends, you can offend her, only seriously hurting the sphere of her interests. She can not be called an interesting interlocutor, but she is a wonderful listener and is ready to provide moral support when the interlocutor needs it.

Spoiled Elena capricious and able to manipulate people, demanding of parents and loved ones. Egoism sometimes makes it unscrupulous and quirky, it is capable of lying in its own interests.

Elena's personal life is inextricably linked with her femininity and desire to over-bake her partner. In men, she seeks either "father" or "son." The emotional sphere always prevails over rational, Elena is capable of mistakes, but rarely comes on the same rake twice. In human relationships, she is intuitively perceptive, capable of understanding the partner's nature. Despite the external beauty, Elena is practically not subject to violent passions. In sexual life, she is moderate and conservative, does not seek new impressions. Often the attraction to a man is combined in it with sympathy for him. She expects emotional return, is jealous and selfish.

In the family, first of all she loves her husband and then already - children. Jealous wife is jealous of friends, work and hobbies. In her youth she is inaccurate, but she tries to establish a way of life.

Interesting facts about the name Elena:

The most feminine are Elena's "summer" and "spring". Those born in the autumn are closed, hardworking, phlegmatic, but the "winter" bearers of the name are wayward, selfish, aggressively sexual and emotionally callous.

Successful alliances are with Elena with Roman, Stanislav, Igor, Andrew and Dmitry. She should be attentive, linking her life with Ivan, Vasily, Stepan and Anatoly. Phlegmatic and superficial curiosity can often push her to betrayal.

Name Helen in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Elena : Lena, Lesya, Elena , Elia, Ela, Elena, Alyonka, Lyon, Lenochka, Lenusha, Lenusya, Lesya, Lelya, Elyusha, Elyusya, Lyusya

Elena - the color of the name : bright yellow

Flower of Helena : aster

The Stone of Helen : chalcedony

Forms and variants of the name Elena : Lelka, Elka, Lucy, Elia, Sainte, Selena, Moon, Moonlight, Aster, Helen, Helen without the guys