Portrait of the Prophet: famous prophets revealed the secrets of the Messiah

The representative of the universe and the creator of the world religion is already on Earth! Sayings of famous prophets about a new prophet are in our article.

In every world religion, without exception, the predictions of the second coming of the Prophet or the Messiah are contained. Scientists and religious figures argue about who he will be - an atlant, an alien, a spiritual teacher or a representative of the highest race? But none of them comes to mind to think about how the new Prophet will differ from the rest of the people. What if he's already among us, but we can not identify him?

The answer to this question can be found in the statements of famous soothsayers. Living in different times and on different continents, they tried to look into the future and find out what will be the one who will save mankind from the Apocalypse. Of course, each of the predictors had a vision of such a large-scale personality, but it is not difficult to make a general idea of ​​the Savior on their forecasts.

Of course, first of all, one should seek information about the new Prophet in religious works that existed in antiquity. In Islam, this is the Mahdi - the twelfth imam, the appearance of which marks the arrival of the Resurrection time. Convergence on the planet will not be accidental: it will come when evil begins to triumph over good, to inspire people to a decisive battle and victory. If the Mahdi and people who are ready to accept his beliefs will lose, humanity will plunge into eternal darkness. Ali B. Abi Tali talks about how you can learn about the approach of the day of that battle:

"People will neglect the prayers and divinity granted to them, legalize lies, practice usury, accept bribes, build huge buildings, sell religion, conquer this low world, hire idiots, communicate with women, destroy family ties, obey passions, and consider minor oaths. Generosity will be considered a weakness, and iniquity will be glorified. The princes will be corrupted, and the ministers will become oppressors. False testimonies will be presented openly, and immorality will be proclaimed in full voice. Women will saddle horses, they will resemble men, and men will look like women. People will prefer the deeds of this low world to the affairs of the Highest and will hide under the skins of the lambs of the heart of wolves. "

Everyone who reads this prophecy, it becomes clear that the days of the Doomsday have already come. Moreover, such thoughts come not only to ordinary believers: the special services of the United States and Israel three years ago announced the beginning of the search for Imam Mahdi and about the huge reward to someone who can find it and pass it on to special services. It remains to be wondered why these countries want to prevent the Mahdi from saving mankind.

Representatives of all Christian faiths await the second coming of Christ since this phenomenon was described in the New Testament. Among the signs of the approach of the "day of the Lord", as it is called in books - the impoverishment of faith, natural disasters, solar and lunar eclipses, and the spread of falsehood.

As in the books with the predictions of Christ, so in the Gospel of Matthew it is said:

"And in the days of those kingdoms, the God of heaven will raise up a kingdom that will not be destroyed forever ... it will crush and destroy all the kingdoms, but it will remain forever. The sea will sigh and be indignant, the earth will shake. And suddenly, after the tribulation of those days, the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. "

They could calculate the exact date of the coming of Christ back in 1844. Millerites, followers of Adventist teaching, have a secret knowledge of how to recognize Christ among ordinary people. They know that he will be born on October 22, 2017, according to the prophecy compiled on the laws of Moses:

"This law says that the cleansing of the sanctuary, or the great Day of Atonement, occurs on the tenth day of the seventh Jewish month, when the high priest made atonement for all Israel, and cleansed the sanctuary from the sins of the Jews, went out to the people and blessed him. Similarly, they believed that Christ, our Great High Priest, would appear to destroy sin and sinners, purify the earth and give His people immortality. The tenth day of the seventh month is the great Day of Atonement, the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary. In 2017, this day will be on October 22. »

Among the astrologers and researchers of the Christian religion, the belief is widespread that the prophet was born in 1982. It is known that the strongest religious figures were born in the peak of solar activity, which exceeded in 1982 all the permissible limits. In the same year in the spring there was a parade of planets, when all nine cosmic bodies gathered on the right side of the star. This event was repeatedly mentioned by prophets as a signal of the coming of the Messiah.

Nostradamus was able to predict the approximate birthplace of the Prophet. The French astrologer and pharmacist, shortly before his death in 1566, wrote a quatrain in which he pointed out that "the new Savior will be from Asia and will come from the 51st degree". It is just such cities as Voronezh, Kursk, Orenburg and Saratov.

Could Nostradamus be mistaken, believing that the Savior would come from Russia? Hardly. The mention of Rus as the place of the second coming of Jesus is also in Paracelsus. A talented doctor and a fortuneteller in the book "The Oracle" wrote that:

"The Russians are destined to surprise the world in the new millennium with discoveries in the field of human spirituality. Herodotus called this people hyperboreans, but the current name of this people is Muscovy. "

The Orthodox monk Abel foretold that Russia would be able to throw off the yoke of false prophets and politicians who had built their power on blood. The man who predicted a short reign of Paul I and the burning of Moscow by the French was convinced that "Russia will get rid of the godless legacy, will return to the origins of its ancient life, since it is destined for a great destiny." Astrologer Yuri Ovidin supported his words with the certainty that "Russia will become the birthplace of a revived religion," and Vasily Nemchin was even convinced that "the representative of the universe will make itself felt in 2025". The place of its appearance is again indicated by Russia.

The American occultist and mystic Max Handel was the representative of the Order of the Rosicrucians - a secret theological society that sought to learn the secret truths about religion. Pursuing the predictions for the Order, Max accidentally discovered the details of the appearance of the Messiah:

"The Highest Initiate will appear publicly at the very end of the present era, this will happen when a sufficiently large number of ordinary citizens themselves wish to voluntarily submit to such a Leader. This is how the soil will be created for the emergence of the New Race, and all the present races and nations will cease to exist ... It is from the Slavs that the New People of the Earth will occur. Mankind will form the One Spiritual Brotherhood. "

Most of Vanga's predictions were also devoted to the future of Russia as the residence of the Prophet and the cradle of the planet's salvation. The doctrine of the Messiah, she called the most ancient and true, predicting that the Bible before the Apocalypse will supplant all other religions and they will cease to exist:

"Russia will grow stronger and grow, no one is allowed to stop Russia and its new Leader, there is no such force. Russia will sweep everything on its way, and not only survive, but will become the sole undivided "mistress of the world," and even America in the 2030s recognizes Russia's complete superiority. Russia will again become a strong and powerful real empire, and will again be called by the old ancient name of Rus. The person who has curbed it, can unite all under the wing of religion. "

Based on the description of the time of the appearance of the new Prophet, it was not long to wait for the meeting with him. The world is mired in lies, grafted through the media and the Internet, politicians are only interested in money, and people forgot the way to the temple ... During the descent to the ground, God or his messenger will have to recreate, from scratch, the system of values ​​of humanity.