What is the name of Vasilisa

The main features of the character Vasilis - mysteriousness, imperiousness and inflexibility, they are noble and purposeful.

Vasilisa's name is the female form from Vasily.

Origin of the name Vasilisa:

It happened from the Greek "basileus", which translates as "regal".

Character and interpretation of the name Vasilisa:

As a child, Vasilisa is often weak and painful, modest and shy. In the company, she does not seek to rule, clings to her parents, often takes offense and cries. Because of her vulnerability, she is often closed and hypochondriac, prefers exact sciences in studies and is usually persevering and persistent. Problems with achievement can only arise from her poor health, but she is never lazy and quickly makes up for lost time.

Vasilis has a quick mind and a natural inclination to rule, but power makes her a picky and capricious boss, but does not like to obey Vasilisa. For her independence and career growth are important, she is efficient and collected. Often finds himself in diplomacy, successful in professions related to helping people. She is noble and full of good intentions, but the negative side of her confidence is excessive sharpness. Vasilisa is convinced that she knows best what is required by other people, is intrusive and categorical in her actions. She is capable of disinterested participation, rarely is petty, her grievances are usually associated with the moral qualities of her friends and acquaintances. The desire to control everything and everything can be for Vasilisa fraught with conflicts in society. In the implementation of his good intentions, he often overstrains the stick. Her intuition is well developed, but has an abstract nature, Vasilisa rarely uses it in work and communication. Her sincere admiration is always pleasant, she appreciates recognition and respect, without attention becomes rude and conflicting. Vasilisa are proud and morbidly react to mockery, do not tolerate distrust and skepticism in their address.

The personal life of Vasilisa is not easy. She is very demanding of men, often she does not know what she expects from family life. A man who wants to win the heart of Vasilisa must be patient and tactful. Stasis, classical beauty and imperious Vasilisa make her subconsciously seek a worthy partner, but family happiness with him is sometimes fragile and unstable. The Vasilisa feels confidently in a protective role, it is pleasant for them if a man reaches out to their kindness and assesses authority.

In everyday life Vasilisa is strict, but good-natured. They like to study at home, prefer a serious approach to business, do not like frivolity, empty visits and gossip. Financial well-being is considered a necessity, but they do not like to show off. They proudly invite guests, in a rustic conservative way, like when everything follows the rules. The early marriages of Vasilis often break up due to their intransigence, the desire to argue with her husband. Vasilisa should remember that excessive pressing care often irritates her loved ones, especially the grown up children.

Interesting facts about the name of Vasilisa:

Successful alliances Vasilis with men named Potap, Mitrofan, Andrew and Ivan, the collapse often ends with the relationship with Anton, Efim and Evdokim.

The Vasilisa, softly characterized and diplomatic, appeared in the first half of the autumn. Born in the cold season - uncompromising, ruthless and conflict. "Summer" and "spring" Vasilisa are exquisite, cunning and inventive in love, are dominant and are in constant search of themselves.

Vasilisa's name in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Vasilisa : Vasilisushka, Vassa, Basilisk, Vasyuta, Vasenka, Vasya, Vaska, Vaska, Vasilinka, Vasyusha

Vasilisa - color of name : blue

Vasilisa flower : cornflower

Vasilisa's Stone : Amethyst

Nicky for the name Vasilisa : Vasya, Vaska, Wise, Beautiful, Fairy Tale, Fox, Power, Basilisk, Sorceress