Smart books that are worth reading for self-development

Self-development is a unique opportunity to change oneself for the better, in order to raise the standard of one's life. This is a difficult task and it will take a long time to cope with it. Being engaged in self-development, a person awakens his own energy, and carries out an adjustment of personality . To rise to a new level, it is recommended to read the best smart books. To date, the shelves in the bookstores are literally bursting with a huge amount of literature on this topic, but not all publications deserve attention.

What books to read to become smarter and develop?

Presented books will help you learn to achieve your goals, which relate to different life goals.

  1. "Get out of the comfort zone. Change your life: 21 method to increase personal effectiveness. "B. Tracy . Many psychologists recommend choosing this particular edition, because the author offers the reader 21 different methods that will allow them to reach their goals faster. To do this, it is necessary to develop important habits, which are formed through hardness, perseverance and discipline. The presented councils are very simple and the book motivates and gives inspiration . It is worth noting the fact that this book is read in one breath. The edition is very popular all over the world.
  2. "7 Skills of Highly Effective People" S. Kovi . This is a clever book that is worth reading for self-development, as it offers an approach that allows you to develop personality and skills that represent a body of knowledge, skills and desires. The presented skills are arranged in ascending order, being guided by the level of maturity of the individual. The book teaches how to harmoniously develop, seek the meaning of life and respond to existing circumstances. It is written in plain language, and numerous examples allow you to get more insight into the information.
  3. "Be the best version of yourself: how ordinary people become outstanding" D. Waldschmidt . If you are looking for smart books for self-development, then certainly pay attention to this publication. The author tells the reader how to achieve success, using his own and others' examples. He believes that it is necessary to take a justified risk, be disciplined, generous, and also get along well with other people. The book is read very quickly and easily. With its help, a person can look at his own life and actions from the outside.
  4. "Medicine for laziness." V. Levy . Another clever book for development, which was written by a psychologist. The author tells how to cope with laziness, which slows down progress. The book presents all kinds of laziness, common among adults and children. Written all with humor and vigorously, which allows the reader to easily perceive information. The advice given to the psychologist helps to cope with the specific kind of laziness. The book helps also to learn to enjoy life and not to face boredom and depression any more.
  5. "The monk who sold his" Ferrari ": a story about the fulfillment of desires and the comprehension of fate" Robin S. Sharma . One of the smartest books, which is a fictional story about a millionaire who, because of health problems, decided to radically change his life. He said goodbye to all the property and went to India to sort out his life. This story allows us to understand how to find pacification, get rid of unnecessary thoughts and find harmony in yourself.
  6. "To hell with all of it! Take it and do it! "R. Branson . This publication is a certain manifesto of the author, in which his life position is reflected. He recommends not to be afraid to take risks and not stand still. Branson argues that you should not waste time and energy on things that do not bring pleasure.