
In the modern world, in the world of advanced technologies and an increased level of stressful situations, a time for changing the morality of man, there is still such a thing as self-sacrifice.

What does the word self-sacrifice mean?

According to the vocabulary, self-sacrifice is a personal donation, a person sacrifices himself, his personal interests for the sake of a single goal, for the sake of the well-being of others, renunciation of himself for the sake of something or someone.

Self-sacrifice for the sake of others

There is such a thing as a priority instinct. He is able to control a person in a certain situation. But not always under the same circumstances a person does the same. Self-sacrifice, both for the sake of love, and for other feelings, people refers to the human instinct of protecting the family, the offspring, a group of people, the family, the motherland (the latter is acquired as a result of upbringing).

We can say that selfishness and self-sacrifice are opposite meanings. After all, it happens that when in a difficult situation, when one person could sacrifice his life for the sake of saving someone, another, in turn, would engage in the salvation of his own soul. In this situation, the instinct of self-sacrifice is replaced, replaced, or otherwise squeezed out by the instinct of self-preservation.

Self-sacrifice can be either unconscious (for example, saving a person in extreme circumstances), and conscious (soldier in the war).

The problem of self-sacrifice

In the present tense, the problem of self-sacrifice in the form of terrorism is threatened. According to the opinion of modern man, the actions of suicide bombers are quite logical for us and are explained in terms of his worldview. That is, the main motivators for this type of action is the rationalism of the tactics of terrorist organizations and its solution to solving various personal problems in this way.

But in fact, personal perceptions of suicide bombers include their vision of self-sacrifice in the name of religion. The terrorists of Islamic fundamentalism most clearly manifested such logic in the actions. Thus, the largest terrorist organizations called "Hezbollah", "Hamas" carrying out terrorist acts, their main emphasis is seen in sacrificial suicide.

Also, in addition to the personal motivations of extremists, there is a motivation for self-sacrifice in connection with an allegedly public need. So, using the susceptibility of society towards terrorism, groups of extremists support, thus, increased attention to themselves, their demands and actions.

Examples of self-sacrifice

To sacrifice one's life for another person is the most courageous act of every person's life. It is worthy of universal respect and memory. Let us give an example of the heroic deeds of our time.

  1. The Congressional Medal was awarded to First Lieutenant John Fox, guiding artillery fire in an Italian city during World War II. This man led the fire, soon realized that the strength of the German army exceeds his soldiers, told everyone to leave the post, and he himself remained, shooting one of the machine guns. Fortunately, he won this fight. His body was found near the fire, and around him were about 100 German soldiers killed by them.
  2. At a time when there was a blockade of Leningrad, the Russian scientist, Alexander Shchukin, being the head of the laboratory at that time, gave all his food to people, protecting his samples of rare plants. For lack of food, he soon died.
  3. Even dogs are capable of self-sacrifice. In Kazakhstan, a drunken man wanted to commit suicide by rushing to the nearest train. Under the influence of alcohol, he fell asleep on the rails. His dog rushed to save him, dragging him away at the last moment. She died under the wheels of the train, while having managed to save the owner.

Not every person is capable of self-sacrifice, but people who have already become heroes can inspire future generations to live.