Fish soup from red fish - recipe

For lovers of fish dishes we offer recipes for cooking an incredibly tasty soup made of red fish. Such a dish can not be called a budget, but the result is worth the money spent and will surprise you with excellent taste qualities.

How to cook fish soup from red fish - recipe with cream



To prepare a fish soup we will need a red fish fillet on the skin without bones. We cut it with small pieces, preliminary if necessary cleaning the skin thoroughly from the scales and washing the product under running cold water.

We clean and cut into strips as thin as possible root celery and cubes potato tubers, pour vegetables with water and put on the fire to cook until the softness of potato slices. After that, add the prepared red fish and cook the food with a moderate boil until the fish are ready. During this time, finely chopped finely onion and carrots, let's spread it on the loose cream butter until soft, add the previously peeled tomatoes and minced vegetables and stir the vegetables, stirring, until the slices are turned into a puree tomato.

We put the fry in the soup, add some salt to the taste and flavor with pepper, pour in the cream and cook with a barely noticeable boil for ten minutes.

When serving, season the fish soup in a plate with fresh herbs.

Red fish soup puree - recipe



In a saucepan with a thick bottom mold the olive oil and warm it up. Next, we lay the sliced ​​leek and the onion ray and fry it a bit. Now we pour in the broth and water, lay the peeled and chopped potato tubers and cook until the softness of the potato slices, seasoning the contents to taste with salt and spices.

After that, merge the broth, and punch the vegetables to a puree state with a blender, and then dilute the same broth to the desired density.

Now add the red fish cut into small cubes and boil the soup on the lowest heat for five to seven minutes. Next, pour in the cream, warm the dish to a boil, but do not boil and remove from the fire. We serve fish soup with fresh herbs, adding a slice of lemon.

Soup from the head of red fish - recipe with saffron



To prepare the soup, wash the head of the red fish thoroughly, fill it with water, so that it completely covers the product, add it to taste and cook. Fifteen to twenty minutes later we take out the fish, and we put the vegetables prepared during the boiling of the head into broth. Among them, peeled and cut into small cubes onion, finely chopped carrots, as well as peeled and chopped potato tubers.

While cooking vegetables, dismantle the fish's head, separating the existing meat from the bones, and after ten to fifteen minutes add to the vegetables in the broth. We also throw in soup saffron, ground paprika and, if necessary, add a dish a little more. We cover the vessel with fish soup lid, turn off the fire and let the dish brew for at least twenty minutes, possibly wrapping the pan with something warm.

Ready-made aromatic soup is served with sour cream and fresh greens of dill.