Applique from fabric for children

Application is one of the types of needlework. The simplest applications of fabric or any other material are created by imposing and subsequently fixing individual fragments on the fabric that serves as the basis.

History of application

Initially, appliqués from pieces of cloth performed a completely non-decorative role. With the help of cloth rags, our ancestors tried to repair their clothes, prolonging the life of such latches. And only a few centuries later the application became an extravagant kind of applied art. And in different parts of the world national traditions of patchwork sewing are characterized by their techniques. Thus, northern peoples often made applications of fur and leather, and in Russia the most common material was factory and homespun cloth.

Various crafts of appliqué from the fabric are an interesting activity that can enthrall a child for a long time. In addition to the development of fine motor skills, this kind of needlework makes it possible to develop imagination. Simple children's applications of fabric can serve even as an ornament of the interior.

Types of applications and materials used

For the fabrication of tissue applications for children is best to use a loose fabric that does not slip on the base and the edges of which do not crumble. When the child is trained a little, it is possible to diversify the materials with felt, fur, textured fabrics, leather, satin. Before you make an application from the fabric, you should draw a sketch that will simplify the further work. Various drawings for applications of fabric can be copied with tracing paper from any printed publication.

There are several types of applications from the fabric, which are determined by the purpose (decoration, renovation), the type of material, the attachment method (manual, removable, adhesive). Applications of fabric for children are also different in appearance (lining, incised, convex or flat) and thematic (fantasy, natural, ornamental).

Bring your child to the world of needlework by his own example. The baby will be interested in helping the mother at the first stages to make a simple application on a scarf or towel. Even a three-year-old can be entrusted with some types of work: let them stick the details to the base, try to attach a sketch on a tracing paper to the fabric, and draw a contour with pencil. It will not take long, and your dreamer will surprise you with his own masterpiece.