Developing games for children 2 years old

The development of two-year-old children does not stand still for a minute. With each passing day, these inquisitive impassions learn more and more, learn new skills and improve the skills that they knew before. In two years the child, like a sponge, absorbs everything that parents invest in it.

If the crumb is interested in learning certain knowledge and skills, he will independently seek to know. Otherwise, the child on the contrary will oppose the will of the parents, and any developmental lessons will be for him an occasion for another hysteria.

To prevent this from happening, new information for young children should be submitted in a playful manner. In this article, we bring to your attention several ideas of interesting developing games for children of 2 years for home and street, thanks to which your child will develop fully and multifaceted.

Developing games for the age of 2-3 years

For both boys and girls, who have just turned 2 years old, the following educational games are suitable:

  1. "Light!" On a sheet of cardboard with the child make a primitive application of colored paper in the form of a house consisting of two parts - a rectangular building and a triangular roof. In a simple pencil, draw small squares simulating windows on this small house, and cut out details of the appropriate shape and size from the yellow paper. Suggest the crumb to "light" the windows in the house - to glue the yellow boxes to the place where they should be. Initially, this task may seem too complicated for a two-year-old little girl, but in the future, he will be able to paste "windows" exactly on their silhouette without much effort and without your help. This game excellently develops the fine motor skills of crumbs fingers, as well as thinking.
  2. "Big Wash". Take a small basin, fill it with water and ask the crumb to wash a small handkerchief. Show your child the movements of the hands that you use during washing, rinsing and push-ups, and let the kid repeat for you. At the end of washing with the child, hang a handkerchief on a string, using a clothespin. Babies at this age, and both girls and boys with great enthusiasm take up any help to mom, and playing with water are for them one of the most loved. That's why your karapuza will definitely like the idea of ​​washing, and after a while he will ask you to do it again.
  3. "Scam". This game can be used as an interesting and useful pastime, both at home and on the street, while for it you will not need any special equipment. Ask your child: "What in this room (in this park) is big? And what is small? "Together with the baby, find the right answer, simultaneously explaining your decision. The questions can be completely different: "What is fragrant, soft, solid, red (blue, yellow, green), fluffy, transparent ...?" This simple game contributes to the development of attention and concentration of crumbs, expands its knowledge of the surrounding world, and enriches lexicon.
  4. Finally, for the full development of two-year-olds, all kinds of ball games are very useful . Of course, to use this sports equipment is best on the street, since children at this age are not too careful yet and can break anything. Going for a walk in good warm weather, be sure to take a ball with him, because with him you can come up with a lot of interesting developing games. In particular, the ball can be thrown and caught with two hands, kicked, thrown into a box, basket or bucket, gradually increasing the distance to the desired object and so on.