Pregnancy blood test

At pregnancy the woman, preparing to become mum, the analysis of a blood hand over not once. This laboratory test allows you to determine deviations in the development of gestation, assess the condition of the pregnant woman, exclude congenital malformations in a future child.

What kind of blood tests exist and why are they prescribed?

The general analysis of the blood, conducted during pregnancy, allows you to assess the state of the woman's body, to reveal hidden inflammatory processes. The study directly reflects the reaction of the human body to the changes occurring in it, including pathological ones. Considerable attention in the analysis of results is given to such an indicator as the level of hemoglobin, the decrease of which may indicate anemia, which, in fact, causes hypoxia of the fetus.

In order to determine the pregnancy itself in such a way as a blood test, on the 5th day a study is conducted, which is called the determination of the level of hCG. Countdown is from the date of the alleged conception. Immediately, this hormone begins to be synthesized after conception and indicates implantation.

Genetic analysis of blood, prescribed during pregnancy, is designed to identify in the early stages of child development of congenital anomalies associated with a mutation in the genes. Among these are the syndrome of Edwards, Down, a violation, such as trisomy, polysomy. When they are established, the issue of abortion is resolved.

Biochemical blood test, prescribed to women during the period of gestation, provides an opportunity to evaluate the characteristics of protein, lipid metabolism, the concentration of salts in the blood, the level of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Particular attention is paid to protein concentration, nitrogen metabolism parameters. The biochemical test also includes a blood test for glucose, which is often done during pregnancy. It is he who allows to identify such a violation as diabetes. In view of the reduced sensitivity of the pregnant woman's body to insulin caused by the action of prolactin and estrogens, glucose tolerance changes, which leads to the development of gestational diabetes mellitus.