Multiple pregnancy by week

Today, more and more often you can see young mothers with twins, triplets, and sometimes with a quarter. For the upsurge in the birth rate of twins, we must first of all thank the modern reproductive technologies. However, in some women the possibility of multiple pregnancies is inherent genetically. Consider how the development of multiple pregnancies takes place by week.

Multiple pregnancy in the early stages

Pregnancy with several fruits, as a rule, proceeds more complexly, the risk of developing pathologies increases, the period of gestation lasts less: twins appear at about 37 weeks, triplets - at 33 weeks, tethers at 28 weeks.

The first weeks of multiple pregnancies are almost the same as with a single baby. However, it is at this moment (at 2-4 obstetric weeks of pregnancy) that how many babies will soon be born. At the 5th week there is a delay, and the woman finds out about her "interesting position", although the number of children is still a secret for her. Nevertheless, the fact of the onset of a multiple pregnancy can be established with the help of ultrasound. If conception has occurred with the help of IVF, ultrasound of multiple pregnancy at 5-6 weeks is a necessary procedure.

Another marker of multiple pregnancies is the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of a future mother. As a rule, the content of hCG during multiple pregnancies increases much faster, in proportion to the number of fruits.

At 6-9 weeks is the laying of all organs and systems, and this is the most dangerous period, since any failure can lead to the development of vices, miscarriage or frozen pregnancy (only one embryo can die, the remaining embryos have a chance to survive). During this period, doctors recommend that the future mother refrain from sex. In addition, it is at this time that a woman learns all the delights of toxicosis. Toxicosis in multiple pregnancies affects almost all pregnant women, it proceeds much sharper and longer - up to 16 weeks.

By the 11th week with multiple pregnancy, the stomach is already noticeably rounded and will continue to grow much faster than with normal pregnancy. Kids are fully formed and can move.

At 12 weeks with multiple pregnancies, ultrasound is done as part of the first screening during pregnancy . Sometimes it is at this point that a woman learns that she is destined to be the mother of several babies at once. The dangerous stage is safely passed: the risk of miscarriage decreases.

Growing up together

At 13-17 weeks, the fruit grows rapidly, which means that the future mother's appetite grows. Nutrition for multiple pregnancy should be balanced, the diet should contain a large number of foods containing proteins, vitamins B, C, as well as calcium and iron. Eat better little by little, but often (at least 6 times a day).

At a period of 16-22 weeks, a second screening is carried out, which is likely to reveal increased rates of AFP and hCG - for a multiple pregnancy this is normal. Many mothers begin to feel a new life within themselves: the perturbations during multiple pregnancies are felt at the same time as in the case of singleton. Kids already realize the presence of each other, touch their neighbor, sleep and stay awake at the same time.

From the 21st week of pregnancy, crumbs hear well, distinguish between light and darkness. But my mother has a hard time: a growing abdomen does not give a sigh full bosom and bend, there may be pain in the back and legs, stretch marks appear on the skin, heartburn and constipation disturbs. The body works practically on deterioration, therefore varicose, anemia, pyelonephritis and gestosis with multiple pregnancy arise much more often. During this period, hospitalization in the maternity hospital is possible.

At 25-29 weeks is the development of the nervous and respiratory systems, kids start to stock up fat, their active growth stops. Already now it is necessary to have an exchange card with you at all times. From 28 weeks pregnant woman goes on maternity leave, which will last a total of 194 days.

During the last weeks of a multiple pregnancy, a woman is usually in a hospital, under the constant supervision of doctors. Ultrasound (and besides it dopplerometry and CTG of the fetus ) can now be done every week. During ultrasound, assess the condition of the placenta and the possibility of physiological delivery (if the fruits are located downwards). Nevertheless, labor in a multiple pregnancy in 70% of cases are performed with the help of caesarean section.