Zalain in Pregnancy

Most pregnant mothers during pregnancy are exacerbated by a disease such as vaginal candidiasis or thrush. If she does not bother much, then you can slightly adjust your menu, and hope for a speedy recovery. Another thing is if the itching becomes simply unbearable and tolerate no possibility, then antifungal drugs come to the rescue. One such remedy is Zalain, which can be used during pregnancy and during lactation. Please note that before using any medications you need a doctor's consultation, and even more so in such a difficult time for a woman.

Why can I use it in pregnancy?

According to the existing reports of future mothers, Zalain suppositories are well-suited to thrush , in contrast to such drugs as, for example, Pimafucin. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the latter is absolutely harmless in pregnancy, whereas Zalain must be used with caution. This is due to the fact that there has not been sufficient research into how the drug works during pregnancy. Therefore, the instructions explain that Zalain suppositories can be used during pregnancy only when the benefit to the mother will be preferable to the harm of the effect of the drug on the child. However, it is worth noting that the main active substance that is part of Zalain is sertaconazole (300 mg) and it is not absorbed by the walls of the vagina, so the risk for the fetus will be minimal.

How to take Zalain during pregnancy?

Just want to mention that there are several dosage forms of this drug that can be used in pregnancy:

  1. Zalain, vaginal candles, 1 pc. packaged. With thrush, gynecologists prescribe 1 vaginal tablet once. Introduce it better before going to bed, lying on your back, deep in the vagina.
  2. Zalain well helps with chronic thrush, and apply it according to the following scheme: first 1 suppository is introduced, then, after 1 week, the next. After that, if the symptoms recur, then a similar course of treatment is performed, one month after the last candle is used.

  3. Zalain, cream, 2% for external use. Sometimes, with a strong candidiasis vulvovaginitis and the defeat of the genital labia and perineum, it is recommended, as an additional therapy, the use of the cream. It is applied in a thin layer on the affected areas of the body with the capture of approximately 1 cm of unaffected skin and is not rubbed. The cream is used 2 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. Term of treatment can not exceed 4 weeks.

What else do you need to know?

In the description to Zalain it is said that before using it, it is necessary to wash the genitals with the use of alkaline or neutral soap. In addition, as with any drug, it has side effects:

Contraindications for this drug include hypersensitivity to sertaconazole, imidazole derivatives and other substances contained in the drug.

Zalain has analogues, but there are very few of them. They contain the same active substance, and they are successfully used to treat candidiasis during pregnancy. Here are their names:

  1. Sertaconazole-pharmex, pessaries.
  2. Sertamicol, vaginal tablets and cream.

So, if you are attacked by this unpleasant disease, visit the gynecologist and ask if Zalain is possible in your case. Most likely, the doctor will advise to stop on this preparation, tk. its action is much stronger than others, it is not absorbed by the body and the disease recedes after one candle, and it is very important for women in an "interesting situation".