Eucalyptus in pregnancy

The tree of life - that's how people call eucalyptus. This is due to its many useful properties. He is able to treat mastitis, burns, ulcers and inflammatory diseases. But what a normal person can not always use for women in the period of expectation of a child. Let's discuss the question: can eucalyptus be used during pregnancy.

Future mothers often have a misconception about plants. They pay attention only to their useful properties and replace herbs with many medications. But it's dangerous to do so. Some plants can do more harm than medicines. Especially the huge damage they can cause the fetus. The plant in question just refers to such unsafe means of treatment.

Experts have no common opinion on how to use eucalyptus during pregnancy. Most believe that this plant can be used throughout the term. But outwardly! Of course, much depends on the characteristics of the female body: is there any allergy to this plant. If the future mother has a cold and her throat hurts, then it can not be treated with pills or pastilles of "Eucalyptus-M" during pregnancy. Therefore, we will advise another way of treating the throat with eucalyptus.

How can you use eucalyptus for future mothers?

For treatment of rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, as well as for the prevention of colds, inhalations can be made. This is a very effective and convenient way to treat at home. Inhalations are made very simply: add 10-15 drops of eucalyptus tincture to 200 ml of hot water. Before the procedure, wait a few minutes for the alcohol in the water to volatilize. If you do not have an inhaler - it's okay, you can use a regular pan. Breathe health! Tincture of eucalyptus during pregnancy does not hurt, if a woman will use it to rinse your throat. For such procedures is very effective and infusion. It's easy to cook by yourself. Take 1 tablespoon of dry eucalyptus leaves and pour 1 glass of hot water (90 ° C), let stand 20 minutes, strain - and excellent preparation is ready. Rinse the sore throat every 1.5-2 hours. By the way, infusion is very effective in other infectious diseases of the oral cavity, for example, stomatitis and gingivitis.

Let's share a good remedy for bleeding gums, which includes herbs of eucalyptus, sage, yarrow, St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile, calendula, oak bark. Take 1 tablespoon of medicinal collection and pour 1 cup boiled hot water (90 ° C). Cotton swab soaked in this infusion, apply to the gums for 7-10 minutes 2 times a day. The result will not take long.

Rinsing the throat and mouth with tincture or infusion of eucalyptus during pregnancy is a safe procedure if a woman does not have an allergy to this potent plant.

Lotion from the tincture of eucalyptus is sure to help, and with skin problems, because The grass has a strong antiseptic and disinfectant effect.

Eucalyptus oil in pregnancy

Today, many prefer aromatherapy. Eucalyptus oil during pregnancy is well used as a preventative against colds. You can do a dry inhalation: 1-2 drops of oil on the palm of your hands, rub and when you inhale, bring your hands to your nose, and when you exhale, remove from the face. If you prefer wet inhalation, then dissolve 1-2 drops of oil in 1 liter of boiling water. Many like blurring the nasal mucosa. The recipe is very simple: for 1 teaspoon of oil to choose from - olive, sunflower or any other, add 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Such a procedure for future mothers can be done 2-3 times a day.

Eucalyptus essential oil is also an excellent sedative during pregnancy. Just add a few drops of oil in a warm bath, this procedure will help you relax and get great pleasure.

Remember that eucalyptus has powerful healing properties. Therefore, not every organism can respond to it favorably. Even if the eucalyptus before pregnancy does not cause you unpleasant sensations - still before using it, consult a doctor.