Hypoxia of the fetus

Many future mothers, hearing from their doctor that their child is suffering from hypoxia, immediately ask themselves what the term "fetal hypoxia" means, what it is threatening, why this condition arises, and what to do when the fetus is hypoxic.

Fetal hypoxia is the creation of pathological processes in the child's body due to insufficient intake of oxygen into the organs and tissues. Fetal hypoxia is a process associated with abnormalities in the body of a pregnant woman, which affect the health of the child.

Causes of fetal hypoxia in pregnancy

The development of hypoxia can lead to chronic diseases of the future mother, abnormalities in the placenta, mother and fetus organisms, such as:

Types of fetal hypoxia

The following types of hypoxia are distinguished:

  1. For the period in which hypoxia develops:
  • By the nature of the current:
  • Antenatal hypoxia - occurs during pregnancy.

    Intranatal fetal hypoxia is a condition of oxygen deficiency that develops in childbirth.

    Neonatal hypoxia - occurs after childbirth.

    Acute hypoxia of the fetus. This type of fetal hypoxia occurs during labor because of very protracted or rapid delivery, fetal cord embryoing or premature detachment of the placenta. Acute hypoxia of the fetus is dangerous because of the asphyxiation of the baby.

    Chronic hypoxia of the fetus occurs as a result of a complicated course of pregnancy. This kind of hypoxia causes a prolonged insufficient supply of the baby's body with the necessary nutrients.

    Consequences of fetal hypoxia for a child

    In the early stages of pregnancy fetal hypoxia can lead to incorrect formation or underdevelopment of various systems and organs of the child, congenital malformations, delayed fetal development, miscarriage, or fetal death. Therefore, the problem of hypoxia can not be taken lightly. Even the initial stage of fetal hypoxia requires a certain drug correction.

    At the first signs of hypoxia it is necessary to consult a doctor, and infections in the mother's body must be treated. In later periods of pregnancy, oxygen deficiency can lead to intrauterine fetal death, premature birth or delay in fetal development and weakness of labor.

    For a newborn, the consequences of hypoxia can make it unviable, or lead to damage to its organs.

    Treatment of hypoxia

    A set of measures is used to treat the state of insufficiency of supplying oxygen to organs and tissues.

    1. First, establish the cause that causes the development of hypoxia.
    2. The next stage normalizes the placental circulation and reduces the tone of the uterus. In this state, a pregnant woman is better to keep bed rest and not be nervous.
    3. In chronic hypoxia, drugs are also prescribed to stabilize lipid metabolism, multivitamin complexes, nutritious solutions of glucose.

    Prevention of fetal hypoxia in pregnancy

    To prevent the development of a lack of oxygen in the fetus, a pregnant woman should lead a correct lifestyle.

    First, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke.

    Secondly, it is often to be outdoors, arranging daily walks for at least 2 hours.

    Thirdly, preventive measures against anemia and adequate nutrition are important.