Funny contests for teenagers

Today, even a ten-year-old child is no longer surprising with unusual cakes, various figures and compositions from balloons. But what if a teenager has a birthday soon or his friends just decided to spend time together wonderfully? Not a bad idea for parties at home or at school - these are fun contests for teenagers, in which everyone can take part. If you decide to act as an organizer, we offer some fun (or cool, as is customary for schoolchildren) contests for teenagers that raise the mood of the whole company.

Let's have fun?

  1. The Pharaoh . At the end of this comic entertaining contest everyone will scream, even teenage boys. So, the "victim" must be taken out of the room, and in the meantime one of the guys lays down on the sofa and pretends that he is a mummy. The "victim" blindfolded is led into the room and he must find the part of the body that the presenter calls. "Pharaoh's feet, Pharaoh's shoulders, Pharaoh's hands", and when it comes to the head, then simultaneously with the phrase "brains of the pharaoh" you must quickly slip the "victim" pan in which the boiled pasta is smeared with ketchup. The reaction will amuse everyone!
  2. "Hercules" . You need two stretched sweaters and a lot of balloons. We form several teams, which includes one guy and two or three girls. In three minutes, the girls need to muscle their guys. The young man, who turned out to be the most muscular, will become the winner. The highlight of this funny contest for teenagers is that the balls have a property to burst ...
  3. "Drawing on the head . " We need album sheets and markers. Participants put a sheet on their heads and draw what the presenter wants. Believe me, these "masterpieces" will make you laugh not for five minutes!
  4. Sweet tooth . To the bar of chocolate attached thread length of 2-3 meters. Chocolate needs as much as teenagers want to participate in the competition. The winner will be the one who chews, of course, not swallowing, his thread (without hands!) Faster than others. The prize itself will be the chocolate!
  5. "Naughty Choir . " "Sacrifice" leaves the room, and several participants make a line from a well-known song, or rather, each remembers one word from it. And it is necessary to sing it simultaneously. "Sacrifice" will have hard times, but you must guess the song ...
  6. "Bound . " The number of participants in this funny contest for teens is not limited. The main thing is that there are at least six of them (two teams of at least three people). All participants in one team are bandaged with toilet paper, as if they are "bound together by a chain". In this form they need to get to the finish as soon as possible. In this case, the paper must remain intact.
  7. "Where am I?" In advance, we need to prepare several tablets on which a certain place is written (bathroom, institute, market, toilet - whatever!). participants put on a chair with their backs to the audience. The appropriate nameplate is attached to the chair so that the participant does not see it. Then in turn everyone sitting on chairs is asked different questions: why did you go there? What did you do there? What happened there? And so on. The answers that will be given by the participants of the competition will necessarily present positive emotions to those present.

Important to remember

And let these competition competitions for teenagers have a comic character, a small gift (sweets or souvenirs) for the winners will necessarily have to their liking. And even better, if memorable gifts get to all those present. Teenagers are these children who already feel themselves to be adults, but they do not always think about their own safety, so be on the alert. Especially if the end of the party should be fireworks.