Salicylic ointment for psoriasis

Salicylic acid has excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. This substance was excreted from the bark of the willow very long ago, and is very popular to this day.

What is psoriasis?

Today we will talk with you about the treatment with salicylic ointment such a pathology as a chronic non-infectious disease of psoriasis . The characteristic features of this disease are the formation of the skin on the convex dry spots, which in appearance resemble wax. Salicylic ointment with psoriasis is very effective.

In most cases, those areas of the skin that are affected by any pressure or friction are affected. Basically, it's the buttocks, knees or elbows. But in general terms, psoriasis can cover other areas of the skin, for example, the soles of the feet, the genitals, the scalp and palms.

How to treat psoriasis with salicylic ointment?

Treatment of psoriasis with salicylic ointment is one of the many methods by which you can fight this pathology. Salicylic ointment is a kind of emollient that is able not only to treat, but also to prepare the affected areas for the penetration of other, no less effective medicinal remedies. The use of salicylic ointment in psoriasis significantly alleviates the condition of the patient due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

How to apply ointment?

Use of salicylic ointment:

  1. First you need to cleanse the skin of necrotic tissues.
  2. The areas on which the ointment will be applied must be treated with antiseptic agents.
  3. Using a cotton swab, the drug is applied to local areas of the skin.
  4. If the wound areas are open, it is necessary to soak the special dressing with ointment and cover the wound with it. In this case, the bandage is changed every two days.
  5. If the damaged skin is too inflamed, salicylic ointment should be mixed with petroleum jelly.

The treatment of psoriasis with salicylic ointment is three weeks.

According to many patients, salicylic ointment for psoriasis is the most effective agent among non-hormonal drugs. After all, this ointment does not cause side effects and does not change the level of hormones in the human body.

But do not forget that even such a seemingly harmless ointment should only be used under the supervision of your doctor. This is necessary because salicylic ointment can not be combined with all the drugs that you use in the fight against psoriasis.

Regularly use salicylic ointment, and psoriasis, most likely, will disappear from your life.