Bamboo at home

With due care this exotic plant promises to please you with its unusual beauty for a long time. Bamboo equally well looks in house compositions and in the form of a single plant. The first and last of his bloom begins at the age of 33, after which he perishes.

At home, dwarf decorative bamboo is most often grown. It has straw-shaped hollow stems with elbows, on which narrow, even leaves grow.

How to grow bamboo at home?

Growing the house of an exotic handsome man is very real. For this, a number of recommendations must be followed, among which a special place is occupied by the level of humidity and heat:

  1. Humidity . Since the plant grows in the tropics, where precipitation is a regular event, it needs frequent spraying and watering as the soil dries up.
  2. Temperature. As for the temperature regime, it is better to maintain it at + 18 ... 25 ° C. But if in the hot summer season the temperature has risen to + 30 ° C, nothing terrible will happen - bamboo moves such increases quite well.
  3. Place . It is also important where there will be a pot of bamboo. This should be a place with moderate lighting, for example the window sill of the west or east window. To the plant lacked light and at the same time did not damage the ultraviolet, you need to shade the window with a light curtain.

Care for bamboo in the water at home

There are two ways to grow bamboo at home - in water and in a substrate. Depending on this, there are some differences in care. If your bamboo grows in water, you need to periodically change it (enough once a week).

Bamboo, placed in the water, can grow up to 2 meters in height, because in this environment, it feels just fine. As a result, you will have a chance to equip the houses with a tropical corner.

In the water you need to periodically (once every 2-3 months) add mineral fertilizers . Do this best after changing the water. If you do not feed bamboo, it can turn yellow and discard leaves.

It is also important what kind of water you use to grow bamboo. Just tap water from the tap does not work. It should be soft and steady, best if it is thawed. At home it can be obtained by freezing and defrosting ordinary water.

Bamboo in the ground at home

Some types of bamboo grow better in the ground. In this case, they do not need any special land. You can buy a universal substrate for indoor plants.

Care for bamboo growing in the ground is easier. You do not need to constantly change the water. Simply water the plant, avoiding the drying of the substrate, cutting watering in the winter. And be sure to provide in the bottom of the pot drainage holes, so that moisture does not stagnate.

Reproduction of bamboo

The easiest way to multiply is to divide the rhizome during transplantation. So from one bush you can get several. In this case, remember that each root should have 2-3 shoots or kidneys. Then he will easily get accustomed to landing in a new soil.

Another way is propagation. It is necessary to trim the upper part of the stem and place the stem in the water, waiting for the appearance of rootlets. Then it can be transplanted into the ground.

Decorative twisted bamboo plants

To get an unusual twisted bamboo at home, its stem can be artificially twisted into a spiral. To do this, you need to do the following:

Have enough patience, because it takes a year to get one turn. A normal cardboard box with one cut side can act as a cap.