Top dressing of pepper seedlings at home - how to grow healthy seedlings?

Optimum fertilizing of pepper seedlings at home at the initial stage of development of culture is necessary for obtaining healthy and strong sprouts. It is important to know what fertilizers to make when replenishing seedlings, so as not to harm the plant, but to benefit the future harvest.

Spraying of pepper seedlings

Asked whether it is necessary to feed seedlings of pepper, experienced truck farmers give a positive response. Plants that received all the necessary trace elements at the initial stage of development, form a powerful root system and are able to adapt to an unfavorable external environment in the future. Overcook the seeds of pepper, the agrarians do not recommend. For example, an excess of nitrogen leads to an increase in the green mass, but such a rich bush will not bring a rich harvest. Correct introduction of the necessary useful elements in the required time guarantees the harvest from the juicy large vegetables.

How to feed pepper seedlings at home?

The best top dressing for pepper sprouts at home should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Calcium (for registration of fruits) at this time of development of culture use in small doses. It can be introduced already on an open site in the form of a crushed egg shell. Nitrogen is needed to build up the green mass and strengthen the stem, phosphorus - to form a powerful rhizome. Top dressing of pepper seedlings at home can be produced by complex mineral fertilizers , mixed compounds. If you are unwilling to apply chemistry, it is advisable to use folk remedies.

Extra nutrition of pepper seedling with yeast

Experienced gardener know about the benefits of yeast to improve the development of plants and increase the yield. They contain potassium and manganese, nitrogen and copper. When watering seedlings at home, such a solution improves the survival of seedlings, minimizes stress during transplantation, reduces maturation and improves the quality of the fruit. The first time fertilizing pepper sprouts at home with yeast is carried out 10-14 days after picking . Subsequent makeup is done 7-10 days after the pepper is grazed into the open ground. The third time fertilize at the time of budding.

Addition of pepper seedling yeast - recipes:

  1. In 1 glass of water, dilute 10 g of dry yeast and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Stir the mixture for 2 hours, then pour into a 10 liter bucket of water. From such recharge after 3 days the leaves will become saturated color and gloss.
  2. In 10 liters of warm water dilute 100 grams of a pack of live yeast, insist a day. Before watering the composition dilute with water 1: 5.

Spray of pepper seedling with ashes

Good effect on the progression of seedlings organic compounds, one of the best is the ashes of wood. It contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulfur, zinc, easily assimilated by plants. The product favors strengthening immunity of germs, reduces the risk of fungal diseases. But such makeup should not be mixed with compounds containing nitrogen. Top dressing of pepper seedling with ashes - the right proportions:

  1. 1st option: 1 tbsp. Spoon the ash mixed with 2 liters of water.
  2. The second option: 300 g of nettle infusion mixed with 200 g of wood ash and diluted with 10 liters of water.

The solution is insisted for 3-5 days, filtered and used to irrigate plants (under the root of 100 ml). Peppers should be better made in the morning. Ash can be used as an ingredient for the soil mixture when planting seeds or as an independent fertilizer. The introduction of wood ash should be alternated with the use of complex fertilizers.

Top dressing of pepper seedlings with hydrogen peroxide

Many do not know that top dressing of young pepper seedlings at home with hydrogen peroxide enhances the growth of seedlings. It contains atomic oxygen, which oxidizes the soil and kills pathogenic bacteria. Deciding how to feed the pepper seedlings with hydrogen peroxide, you just need to know the correct proportions of the solution - 2 tbsp. spoons of 3% peroxide per 1 liter of water. Means can be used for watering plants and spraying them. It is even possible to permanently moisten the seedlings with peroxide solution. Saplings begin to grow actively and noticeably overtake seedlings, watered with simple water.

Schedule of pepper seedling

It is important to know when to start feeding pepper seedlings at home. Young plants before feeding into the ground are fed 3 times (no more often than once every 10 days). Schedule fertilizer seedling pepper at home:

  1. First seedlings feed after pitting on them the first 2-3 leaves (10 days after emergence).
  2. The seedlings are fertilized a second time 2-3 weeks after diving.
  3. The last replenishment is planned for a few days before the seedlings are buried in the ground.

The first top dressing of pepper sprouts at home

The very first fertilizing of pepper seedlings after shoots is aimed at the formation of a good root system, should give a push for the development of the plant stem and the first leaves. It is produced by nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers at home, one of the following compositions:

  1. Complex mineral fertilizer "Kemira luxury", dilute 20 g of the drug in 20 liters of water, make under the roots of the plant.
  2. Mixed mineral fertilizer: 2 tsp ammonium nitrate, 3 tsp superphosphate, 3 teaspoons potassium sulphate per 1 bucket of water.
  3. For 10 liters of water, 5-7 g of urea and 30 g of superphosphate are bred.

How to feed pepper seedlings after picking?

Transplantation of sprouts in isolated pots is performed 10 days after their initial feeding. After this, wait 2 weeks, as the roots are damaged during the procedure, and the fertilizer will bring them even more stress. Secondary top dressing of pepper seedling after picking is conducted, aimed at forming a leaf cover of culture and a powerful root system. It should be carried out at the stage 5 of these leaves in the plant, contain an increased dose of mineral mixtures supplemented with phosphorus, potassium, macro- and microelements.

100 ml of working solution should be used for one copy. Feed off the sprouts advise after watering on a wet substrate. For fertilization at home, you can use:

  1. The same compositions as for primary feeding with a doubled dose.
  2. "Kristalon" green - 20 g of the mixture per 10 liters of water.
  3. "Kemira luxury" - 30 grams per 10 liters of water.
  4. A mixture of mineral: 80 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water.
  5. Fertilizer mixture: 10 g of potassium sulfate, 10 g of urea and 60 g of superphosphate per 10 l of water.
  6. In the same period it is expedient to use yeast.

The last time the seedlings are fertilized at home before being embedded in the soil, in order to increase their resistance to the environment. To do this, you need: 50 g superphosphate and 20-30 g potassium salt, diluted in 10 liters of water. Help prepare seedlings for planting on site ready-made shop mixes of nitroammophoska or "Agricola", diluted according to the instructions. After similar make-up at home, the pepper will grow fruitfully and give a rich harvest.