Spireles - species and varieties

One way to decorate your site is to plant a shrub like spirea. It grows long enough and does not require special care. The most difficult, probably, is to decide what exactly you want to grow, because there are a lot of species and especially spiraea varieties.

Most often, flower growers pay attention to the appearance of the inflorescences (forms, color) and the flowering period, precisely according to these criteria and consider the classifications of this flowering shrub.

Kinds and varieties of spiraea on the structure of the inflorescence

  1. Umbrella brush . Mostly their inflorescences are white in color and have an aroma that resembles mountain ash and hawthorn . These include:
  • Scrub brush . The color of the inflorescences of this group is most often pink (from pale to brightly crimson), less often white. Flowers exude a very pleasant aroma, attracting a large number of insects. It:
  • A spicate (or cone-shaped) brush . It is formed only at the ends of young shoots. These include:
  • Species and varieties of spiraea by flowering date

    The spiree begin to bloom in the spring and end as late as autumn, but each species in its time:

    1. Spring-bearing. This group includes species with an umbellate inflorescence, which blossom for 2-3 weeks in May, some of which can be captured by the beginning of June. Flowers appear on the stems that grew in the previous year. In order to ensure a magnificent flowering in the next season, pruning these branches should be done in the summer. Most often on sites there are spiraea gray Grefshem and Nippon.
    2. Letnetsvetuschie. From June to August, mainly species with a corymb-like brush bloom, but there is also a spicate (Douglas, ivory). Inflorescences form at the ends of shoots this year. In this group are very popular varieties of Japanese spiraea and its hybrid spiree Bumald.
    3. Late flowering. This group includes varieties that blossom at the end of July and August and blossom until mid-autumn, such as Billard's spirea, charming, Bumald's "Anthony Vaterer." Pruning of such bushes is carried out in the spring, so that the bush gives a good increase in new shoots.

    To determine which species of spiraea to choose, you should familiarize yourself with a detailed description of its characteristic features and requirements for the temperature regime of cultivation. Then it will be very easy for you to pick up a bush for your hedge or for any other landscape composition.