What indoor flowers can be put in the bedroom?

Most women love houseplants and wonder what indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom. The slow growing plants are best. To the energy of growth does not disturb your sleep, put houseplants no closer than one and a half meters from the head, regularly wipe the leaves from dust.


Neutralizes formaldehyde and other toxic substances, has bactericidal properties. Humidifies the air.


Clears the air of harmful substances, balances energy fluctuations. 2-3 adults are recommended for a healthy restful sleep.


Perhaps the best answer to the question is which indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom. It emits oxygen at night, absorbs formaldehyde and carbon dioxide. Neutralizes microorganisms. With closed windows, enough 4-5 plants with a height of 70 cm to maintain the optimal level of oxygen in the bedroom.


Neutralizes up to 90% of formaldehyde liberated from the chipboard, absorbs carbon dioxide at night and releases oxygen.


Soothes the nervous system, neutralizes the depressive state. It emits oxygen at night.


Neutralizes harmful substances and microorganisms. The aroma has a good effect on the nervous system, relieves depression. Particularly useful is a potted plant for a bedroom of the Royal Begonia type. Recommended for elderly people. Begonia is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity.


Normalizes the female hormonal background. Ozonizes the air, relieves mental stress, promotes healthy sleep. Does not cause allergies. 3-4 plants for a bedroom are recommended.


Species with long needles are especially good. They ozonize the air, kill microbes, protect against electromagnetic radiation.

What room flowers can not be kept in the bedroom?

In the bedroom, it is better not to put a diffenbachia , oleander, azalea, croton, Japanese, monster , various lianas. These plants negatively affect a person.