Planting roses with cuttings

Flower growers like to grow roses with seeds , but not everyone can afford to buy ready-made saplings, and not all varieties are on sale. Therefore, planting roses with cuttings is very common. You can not just cut off a branch from an adult bush and stick it into the ground. It is necessary to pre-cut the cuttings and root them. For this, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of how to properly plant roses with cuttings. With this process, you will get acquainted with this article.

How to plant roses with cuttings?

The whole process of growing roses cuttings can be divided into 4 stages:

Stage 1: Preparation of the cuttings

Cuttings of roses can be harvested year-round, but it is best to do this from April to June, as it is during this period that the juice is actively flowing through the plant and shoots from roses are actively growing.

For the production of planting material (cuttings), you should take a freshly cut rose stem with a flower. Maximum, he can stand in a vase for 4 days and only on condition that he was daily lowered completely for several hours into clean water. Correct cutting cut as follows:

  1. The lower cut is made oblique 1 cm below the left kidney.
  2. The second cut is done through 2 buds. The edge should be flat and placed 3 cm higher than the second kidney left, that is, approximately the entire length of the cut should be 7-10 cm.
  3. The bottom leaves are cut off completely, and on the upper leaves 2 of 5, while cutting 2/3 of each.

All slices must be made with a very sharp knife, so as not to flatten the stem and not damage its tissues. If you want to propagate a rose bush, then it is necessary to cut off a semi-matured process with 3 leaves from the bush in August, of which only the upper leaves are left.

Stage 2: Rooting

There are several ways:

  1. The resulting stalk is placed in a clean container with boiled water. Roots under such conditions are formed after 20-30 days. During this period, it is necessary to top up the water regularly. Then we planted in a small pot of fertile soil under a jar or a cut plastic bottle to create the effect of a greenhouse and put it on the bedroom window sill. Water should be on the edge of the can.
  2. Everything is done the same, only instead of water a pot of earth and sand is used.

The rooting of the cut should be carried out at a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, but one should not put it in the shade. For optimal plant growth, it is necessary to receive soft (diffused) sunlight daily for a long time.

Before planting the cuttings in the front garden, it is necessary to begin the hardening process, that is, to remove the jar for a while, increasing it as the roots of the plant in the earth extend.

3 stage: Landing

Before planting roses with cuttings directly in the garden, you need to prepare a place for them:

Then we do this:

  1. Soak the stalk in solutions that promote rooting (for example: "Heteroauxin"), for 2 days.
  2. We make a hole and put the cutting in it obliquely.
  3. We water well and cover it with soil so that only the lower bud is closed.
  4. Cover with a jar or cut with a plastic bottle neck down.

Stage 4: Care

Planted in this way, the stem of the rose should remain closed for several years (2-3 years). Watering should be done regularly, watering around the shelter. It is removed only in the case of bud formation, which must be broken off during the first 2 years. Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to prepare flowers . If the stems of the bush are blackened after winter, they must be cut almost to the ground and covered again with a jar. In the summer, he will regain his strength.

Using this method of planting roses with cuttings, you can grow the same flowers from the bouquet given to you in your flower garden.