Fertilizer "Giant"

Wanting to grow tall bushes and get a good harvest, gardeners often use the fertilizer "Giant". Before you bring it into the ground, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with what it is and what effect it has on the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.

Universal fertilizer "Giant" - what is it?

"Giant" is a balanced mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers with the addition of a natural growth stimulator - humic substance. As an organic component in this preparation peat is used, and mineral - micro- and macro elements. It is due to such a combination of "Giant" has a beneficial effect on plant growth and soil fertility. It is expedient to use this fertilizer on infertile soils with a low content of humus.

This fertilizer is sold in the form of long-acting granules. This contributes to the fact that "Giant" helps not only when growing a certain plant (vegetable or fruit), but also improves the condition of the soil as a whole. This is reflected in an increase in the content of humus in it, the activation of microorganisms, the improvement of water and air regimes.

Use of the fertilizer "Giant"

The introduction of fertilizer "Giant" can be carried out at different times.

In the spring, when preparing the soil, it is recommended to spread 120-150 g of fertilizer on 1m & sup2 before digging. Directly when planting it must be introduced in the following proportions:

In this case, the fertilizer must be sprinkled with earth, so that it does not come in contact directly with the roots, and then it is very good to water so that the decay process begins.

If you want to spend in the spring fertilizing fruit bushes and trees, then you must bring the "Giant" into the dug ground around the trunk at the rate of 100 g per 1 m & sup2.

In summer it is recommended to carry out root feeding. To do this, dissolve in 10 liters of water 50 g of granules, insist for 24 hours and water every 7-10 days.

To restore the soil, in the autumn, during digging, it is worth pouring it on a diluted "Giant".

Especially for potatoes, the "Giant Potato" has been developed. Unlike the universal, it has a good effect on this vegetable culture: it accelerates the germination of the eyes and improves the taste of root vegetables. By the same principle, the species "Berry" and "Vegetable" are developed.