Pumpkin squash

One of the representatives of the pumpkin family, worthy of attention, is the pumpkin batternat squash, also called a pumpkin-spaghetti or nut. It has much in common with the main species of this genus, but there are a number of significant differences from them.

What is interesting pumpkin squash?

The historical homeland of this plant is North America. In the arsenal of the local population there are many recipes for cooking pumpkin squash, and the aborigines of these places mostly used it in its raw form, for which it was given the name. Pumpkin squash is of two shapes - oval and club-shaped. The second kind in ancient times was used to create water vessels.

Thanks to a closer relationship with the zucchini, pumpkin squash pulp is very different from normal. It is lighter (sometimes almost white), not so sweet, has a nutty or vanilla flavor. In structure, it is not homogeneous, but breaks up into long, thin fibers, similar to spaghetti. Thanks to all these qualities, the inside of the squash pumpkin is perfect for baking and frying, and it can be salted and made from it jam .

Its seeds are also very popular. In addition, they are very tasty and look like nuts, so also very useful, since they contain vitamin E, proteins, fats, mineral salts (especially the presence of zinc salt).

Relatively recently, a sort of batternate squash mini was produced, the fruit weight of which does not exceed 300 grams, thanks to which it can be cooked entirely.

Pumpkin Squash Cultivation in the Garden

Initially, pumpkin squash was grown in more severe conditions, than usual, therefore it is less demanding to the temperature regime, soil fertility and irrigation regime. Therefore, its sowing can be carried out in May immediately into the soil. In each hole should be placed on 2-3 seeds to a depth of 5 cm and water. To accelerate the process of germination, it is recommended that this place be covered with a black film, which must be removed after the appearance of sprouts. In the future this pumpkin requires regular moderate watering and application of organic fertilizers every 2 weeks. Squash squash squats grow up to 7 meters, forming ovaries both on the main and on the side. In this case, the more often you cut fruit, the faster they will be tied up again.

Squash squash is convenient to grow on a trellis, along which it will drag itself, delighting the shadow of neighboring plants.