What kind of cleaner is a humidifier for a home better?

The issue of cleaning and humidifying air is important, since the general health and health of all people in the room depend on the quality of the inhaled air. Both pollution and insufficient moisture often cause serious problems, so sometimes additional equipment, such as household humidifiers and air purifiers, is simply necessary.

A humidifier or air purifier - which is better?

Each of the instruments has its own "duties". Cleaners clean the air of various contaminants (dust, smoke, odors), as well as harmful microorganisms and dust mites . Humidifiers are called to humidify the air, creating optimal climatic conditions.

What to choose for a home and what kind of cleaner and humidifier for the home is better, consider below.

Air purifiers are a set of filters through which air passes through a special built-in fan. The number of filters can vary from 1 to 5. The most optimal combination is the presence of a coarse filter, a filter for odor trapping and a fine filter.

The best air purifiers (humidifiers) without replaceable filters are those equipped with HEPA filters. They provide the finest cleaning, removing up to 99.9% of all dust in the air. They are often used in medical institutions, so at home such a device will be very effective.

Sometimes in air purifiers there are additional functions, such as ionization and humidification. This contributes to the disinfection of air and its moistening. However, one should not expect that such a super-universal device will solve all problems at once.

As a rule, highly specialized devices work qualitatively, therefore, if there is a need for air humidification, it is better to acquire a separate humidifier.

The choice of humidifiers is even broader: they are traditional water evaporators, and ultrasonic humidifiers (purifiers) of air, and steam appliances, as well as appliances that combine the functions of humidification and purification. The latter, as a rule, can not provide the same level of moistening as ultrasonic or steam models, and air purification is offered only coarse. And for allergy sufferers this will not be enough, and it's more difficult to care for them.

In the place of installation, humidifiers and air purifiers are wall, floor or inserted directly into the outlet. The choice of this or that model depends on your desire and the possibility of placing the device.