Snow shovel

In winter, when the surface of the earth is covered with a white snowy feather bed, you are thinking about purchasing a shovel for snow removal. This question concerns not only those people who live in private houses or have a dacha , as well as those who have a car. The owners of cars have often had to throw snow to begin their journey.

Assortment and practicality

You can find these kinds of snow shovels:

  1. Wooden . There are shovels that are completely made of wood. Its bucket slips badly and quickly deteriorates. Therefore, do not buy a wooden shovel for cleaning snow. It is better, if only a handle is made of this material, then the tool will not slip out of the hands.
  2. Metal shovel for snow removal. It is quite heavy and it will be hard for you to manage it. Best of all, when only the bucket is made of metal, but remember that such a scoop can scratch the tile.
  3. Plastic shovel for snow removal. The best option, as it is easy and convenient to use.

Main characteristics

If you have already chosen what kind of shovel you want to buy yourself, then pay attention to such nuances:

  1. The weight of the shovel. Do not turn the cleaning into torture. The easier the shovel, the faster you can throw away the snow.
  2. Bucket of shovel. A wide shovel for snow removal is not always the best option. It may not weigh much, but keep in mind that it rakes a lot of rain. The best option is a shovel with a rectangular bucket measuring 40 by 60 cm.
  3. Height of the handle . Low cuttings are completely inconvenient for cleaning the territory. To scoop up snow you have to bend each time. So try to choose a shovel, starting from your growth. The shovel spade should be 10-15 cm below your shoulder.
  4. Protection . Many shovels have buckets on the ladles. They protect the bucket from deformation during harvesting. Thanks to these slats, the snow shovel will be in good condition for a long time.