Mikozan - analogues

Mycosan and its analogs are antifungal agents that are intended for external use only. They allow you to fight with an ailment that affects your toenails. The drug not only improves the condition of the plate, but also protects it in the future from damage by various types of fungi. The remedy prevents their reproduction on the nail, which contributes to its natural recovery and growth.

Mikozan analogues from nail fungus

There are many drugs that are similarly fighting an unpleasant ailment. But the main are only three:

  1. Myconorm is an antimicrobial drug that has a wide range of effects on various species of fungi. It is applied to the affected areas. It is indicated in the treatment of nail fungus , stop and multi-colored lichen. It is not recommended to use people who have negative reactions to the main components. In some cases there is an itch or burning sensation - it is necessary to replace the analog.
  2. Atifin. The drug belongs to the antimicrobial group. It is considered a quality and cheap analogue of Mikozan. It is prescribed for treatment of fungus on nail plates, mycosis of feet, head, dermatoses of any limbs. In addition, it is often attributed to mucosal candidiasis. It is undesirable to use during pregnancy, during feeding, to small children or in a negative reaction to certain constituents of the medication.
  3. Mikoseptin. Attributed to the prevention and treatment of trichophytosis of the limbs, as well as damage to the nail plates fungus.

During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, treatment should be performed only under the supervision of a doctor.

In addition, there are cheaper Mikozan analogues:

All of them in one way or another affect the work and development of bactericidal organisms.