Biseptol tablets

Tablets Biseptol refers to drugs that have a strong antibacterial effect. It is on this property of the drug that the use of Biseptol tablets in therapy is based.

Form release of the drug Biseptol

The drug Biseptol is produced in the form of:

Biseptol tablets are available in a dosage of 120, 240 and 480 mg.

Biseptol composition in tablets

Biseptol is a combined preparation and contains two active components:

Due to this composition, Biseptol is considered a broad-spectrum bactericidal drug. The substances contained in the tablets are active against:

For your information! Biseptol has no effect on viruses, and therefore, it does not make sense to take it for diseases of viral etiology. Also, the drug is inactive in relation to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, spirochaete, tuberculosis bacteria.

Indications for use and dosage of tablets Biseptol

Biseptol is used in various fields of medicine. Consider the indications for use.

In urology:

In gastroenterology:

In dermatology:

In pulmonology:

In addition, in the ENT-therapy, Biseptol tablets are prescribed in ARI from cough.

The dosage of the drug depends on the disease that caused the use of Biseptol. With urological diseases, ailments associated with the digestive tract and chronic bronchitis, 960 mg of tablets are prescribed daily. Duration of treatment - no more than 2 weeks.

When diarrhea is recommended, take 480 mg of the drug every 12 hours.

Pulmonary diseases per day daily dose is 1720 mg (4 tablets of 480 mg). In case of severe illness and chronic form of the disease, the dosage can be increased by 30-50% according to the recommendation of the attending physician.

Attention! Before the appointment of Biseptol, a specialist should check the susceptibility of the microflora that caused the disease to the action of the drug. When using tablets for more than 5 days, the doctor must monitor the changes in the patient's blood picture.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of tablets Biseptol

Undesirable effects with Biseptolum are diverse. When using the drug may be noted:

Contraindications to taking Biseptol are:

Biseptol is also not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Pediatricians up to 3 months of the drug is not prescribed.

Attention! During the course of treatment Biseptolom recommended to consume more fluid and limit the time spent in the sun.