Cephalosporins 2 generations

Many people know that it is impossible to cure most infectious diseases without the help of antibiotics. But the fact that all antibiotics are divided into different groups, depending on the type of malicious microorganism, to combat which they are intended, not all have heard. So, for example, there are cephalosporins 1, 2, 3 and 4 generations. The principle of action of drugs-representatives of groups is almost the same. And nevertheless, those diseases with which cephalosporins, for example, the first generation, without ceremony will be straightened, will remain invulnerable to medicines of the second generation and on the contrary.

Features of second generation cephalosporins

Cephalosporins are antibiotics. Their name they received due to the main active substance - aminocephalosporinic acid. The popularity of cephalosporins is determined by their fairly broad spectrum of action and high levels of bactericidal activity.

In groups, all medicines are divided depending on the degree of resistance to beta-lactase:

  1. Cephalosporins of the 1st generation are considered to be preparations of a narrow spectrum of action.
  2. Cephalosporins of the second generation are active against most gram-positive and part of gram-negative bacteria.
  3. Preparations of the third and fourth group have the widest possible spectrum of action.

As studies have shown, second-generation cephalosporins differ in high antistaphylococcal activity. In this case, the drugs are able to act even on those strains of bacteria that have developed immunity to a group of penicillin medicines. With the help of cephalosporins of the second generation, infections caused by escherichia, proteas and klebsiella can also be treated.

List of second-generation cephalosporins

Modern pharmacology is developing constantly, thanks to which regularly on the market there are new representatives of a group of antibiotics-cephalosporins. The most popular and effective tools are as follows:

Most of these second-generation cephalosporins are sold in both tablets and in powder form for the preparation of injections or suspensions. The most popular are injections - they act fastest.