Ointment from warts

Warts are growths on the skin in the form of small tumors. First of all, such formations are an unpleasant skin defect, but in some cases, warts are a source of discomfort - when in contact with clothing, painful sensations arise. Along with folk remedies, effective ointments and solutions are used to get rid of warts, which can be purchased in any pharmacy chain. Consider the most effective ointments against warts.

Ointments from warts on the body

To get rid of warts on the hands and feet, ointments with a keratolytic effect are used. Dissolving and rejecting the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Salicylic ointment

5-10% salicylic ointment is a pharmaceutical drug widely used in dermatology. To achieve the desired result, the ointment is applied to the skin twice a day. In this case, it is necessary to protect the surrounding skin. For these purposes, a patch with a slot of the correct size is glued. The drug should not be applied to the face and mucous membranes to prevent burns, followed by scar tissue.

Ointment Rhodopsol

Modern remedy - antiviral ointment Rhodoksol eliminates warts on the toes and soles in a short time. Affected areas of the skin are lubricated with the drug at least twice a day.

Ointments for warts on the face

Naturally, drugs for getting rid of warts on the face, neck and décolletage zone should be safe for the skin, even with prolonged use.

Oksolinovaya ointment

A pronounced antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect has Oxolin ointment . The product can be safely applied not only to the delicate skin, but also to the mucous surfaces. Rubtsov after using the ointment does not remain!

Gel Panavir

High antiviral activity is possessed by Panavir gel. In addition, the plant components contained in the preparation stimulate the development of protective protein, which best affects the condition of the epidermis.

Ointment Viferon

To sparing keratolytic means is ointment Viferon. Included in the structure of vitamin E and peach oil contribute to the fact that simultaneously with the softening and rejection of the stratum corneum, the subcutaneous layer is regenerated. It is important that Viferon can be used without restrictions at any age.

Attention! Along with local treatment, special antiviral therapy recommended by a specialist can be conducted.