Types of Roofs

Projects of roofing systems and types of materials used for roofing roofs affect the architectural style of the house and the comfort of its owners. The strength of the selected material depends on the service life of the building.

Description of Roofs

Metal tile. Metal tiles belong to the most common types of roofing. It has an optimal balance of price and quality. The unit is a profiled galvanized steel sheet coated with a special polymer composition.

Soft tiles. This is a modern multi-layer material of good quality, in demand when building buildings with a small number of floors. It is based on fiberglass covered with bitumen. Appearance depends on the basalt granulate or mineral crumb. Ideal for a complex type of roof, since it has no waste during installation. It requires a solid foundation.

Galvanized profiled sheeting. We choose a metal roof made of profiled galvanized sheets. It has increased stiffness, excellent load-carrying capacity and resistance to corrosion. The material belongs to the budget options for the roof.

Natural shingles. Belongs to one of the oldest types of roofing roofs. The classic expensive option is made from baked clay, the cheaper is made from a mixture of cement and sand. It is famous for its durability, does not burn and does not fade.

Ondulin. It has a wavy surface, it includes bitumen, cellulose and mineral pigments. Despite the small weight, the sheets differ in strength and versatility of use. The lack of asbestos makes it environmentally friendly. Recommended for small buildings that are easy to cover on their own.

In addition to the listed types of roofing, which are suitable for conventional and mansard roofs, there is a composite and slate tile, slate, steel or rebate roof.