Giftedness - what is it, types of giftedness and their characteristics

All parents dream that their children are healthy and happy. When loving moms and dads find out that their lackeys have abilities for something, pride and happiness there is no limit. We propose to know what is giftedness and why sometimes we understand giftedness as a deviation in mental development.

What is giftedness?

Some researchers say that giftedness is a combination of makings. It can depend on him the opportunity to achieve success by carrying out certain activities. By this term, it is customary to understand not the mechanical complex of abilities, but the new quality that is born in mutual influence and interaction of components. Giftedness is a combination of abilities in psychology, which enables individuals to successfully carry out certain activities.

Attributes of giftedness

How do mom and dad understand that a capable child grows up in a family? What is giftedness in psychology and how do children with special abilities stand out? Such non-observances differ in that:

  1. They strive to achieve success in learning and to acquire new knowledge.
  2. They can act independently with the help of knowledge and skills obtained before.
  3. Able to critically assess what is happening around and at the same time penetrate into the essence of things.
  4. They are immersed in philosophical problems concerning the essence of the universe.
  5. They are not satisfied with superficial explanations, even when they seem sufficient to peers.
  6. They want to improve themselves and do everything as best they can. Hence the setting of high goals and experiences, when there is no possibility of achieving them.
  7. They are able to concentrate their attention completely, and will plunge into problems.

What is the difference between giftedness and talent?

Does the family have a talented or gifted child? What, in fact, is the talent of giftedness different from or talent - is it talent? First of all, it is important to say that talent is a special gift from God. That is, with certain inclinations to anything a person is born. Such talents are usually called talent. As for giftedness, there is a need for the development of makings. In other words, developing your talent, improving it and working on it, you can achieve success in life and be called an able person.

Types of giftedness

It is customary to distinguish between such types of giftedness and their characteristics:

  1. Intellectual talent - the ability of the child can manifest in different areas. This can be special knowledge in mathematics, literature, languages.
  2. Creative - fidget with such inclinations draws, embroider, dance or sing better than his peers.
  3. Academic - children with such makings have a pronounced ability to learn. In the future, this will help to become an excellent specialist.
  4. Social - the ability to establish constructive relationships with others.
  5. Musical - the child shows abilities in music. Such children are easily given a musical notation, they sing beautifully and have absolute hearing.
  6. Sports - in children with sports makings better than peers it turns out to achieve success in sports competitions. They are the best at physical education classes.
  7. Mathematical - here the child's abilities are manifested in solving the most difficult mathematical problems and examples.
  8. Linguistic - children can easily convey any information using the language. Neposedy with such inclinations can become journalists and writers in the future.
  9. Literary - in gifted literature, gifted children show their skills best. They can easily navigate in literary directions.

Intellectual giftedness

Experts say that intellectual giftedness is a certain state of private psychological resources, which provides an opportunity for creative activity. This activity is associated with the creation of new ideas, as well as the use of not very standard approaches to problem development. Psychologists call this concept polysemantic. This is due to different criteria on the basis of which a person can be called gifted. These types of intellectual giftedness are divided:

  1. People with high intelligence.
  2. Persons with high academic achievement. This includes indicators of academic achievement.
  3. People with a high level of development of divergent inclinations.
  4. Personality with excellent academic performance in the performance of certain activities.
  5. Persons with special intellectual success.
  6. Persons with high intellectual abilities.

Creative giftedness

Often, caring mothers and dads are interested in whether their child has the ability to work. Creative giftedness is the makings of a person, manifested in various spheres of creativity - music, drawing, singing, embroidery, choreography. One of the first who was able to develop methods for detecting the creative gifts of children E. Torrance. They are called tests of creativity. Later it was found that with the goal of realizing the personality in creativity, there is a need for a combination of levels of development of logical and creative thinking .

Academic giftedness

All parents sincerely rejoice if their child has giftedness and ability for anything. One of their types is academic giftedness. Children with such makings are excellent students. Capable children are divided into groups:

  1. Children with significant learning abilities.
  2. Children who have the ability to learn knowledge can manifest themselves in one or more fields of activity. It can be exact or humanities.

Musical giftedness

Specialists agree that musical endowment is a difficult qualitative education, including special musical abilities, personal and creative components. By this term we mean a separate case of common makings and a general case with respect to different musical specializations. One of the features of this giftedness is the presence of musicality, expressed in the individual's susceptibility to music and heightened impressionability from it.

Social giftedness

Often, the term social leadership talent is understood as an exceptional ability to establish constructive mature relationships with others. It is customary to single out elements of social endowment:

Social talent often acts as a prerequisite for high success in some areas. It implies the presence of the ability to understand, empathize, without problems to communicate with others. Possessors of such abilities in the future can become very highly professional teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists and social workers.

Sports giftedness

The very concept of giftedness in itself includes a division into certain types, among which sports talent. It is understood as a set of natural qualities that allow reaching peaks in sports for many years of training. These are innate features of a person, which determine a certain level of his achievements. In this case, deposits can be formed unevenly. It is possible to observe periods of accelerated and retarded development of makings, but there are also children with a slow pace of formation of abilities.

Mathematical Endowments

Mathematical talent in psychology is understood as a special case of academic giftedness. The structure of mathematical inclinations in itself includes such components:

  1. Obtaining specific mathematical information. The ability to perceive mathematical material, the scope of the formal structure of the problem.
  2. Processing of mathematical information, the ability to think logically , quickly and widely generalize.
  3. The need to store mathematical information.
  4. The general synthetic component. A mathematical mind, a small fatigue during the solution of mathematical problems.

Linguistic Endowment

Not everyone knows what is called linguistic endowment. Language talent is not the ability to learn languages, as many might think. Children with such giftedness have the ability to expressively and at the same time interesting, it is accessible to inform people by means of linguistic means. In the future, such children can become poets, journalists, writers, copywriters. When there is the ability to persuade, then also lecturers or public people.

Literary giftedness

Many are interested in what types of giftedness there are. Among the most common are literary talent. This species is characterized by pronounced abilities to create texts of artistic orientation. So, a child from an early age can be fond of writing poems, with pleasure to invent interesting mysterious stories in which he himself would happily participate. Psychologists recommend that parents actively contribute to the development of such abilities, encourage the child's hobbies and support all his literary undertakings.