Grammatically correct speech

Literate speech will never go out of fashion. People are always pleased to deal with those who not only shine with inner beauty, but also are able to most accurately give their thoughts a speech form. In addition, a perfectly delivered speech is not something like the gift of nature. It can and should be developed.

Correct oral and written language

Each language has a unique wealth that is peculiar to him and sin not to take advantage of it. This is especially true of the language that is native to man. When you hear a competent speech, or if you have an ideally designed text before your eyes, without a single mistake, you immediately form a positive impression of the author, the interlocutor.

Develop a culture of written and oral speech - the duty of everyone. And it happens daily in the process of communication, training. It's not for nothing that they say that with an intelligent person it's not that nice to talk, but just to be silent.

Literacy Criteria

If we turn to a more detailed consideration of this concept, then it should be noted that the term "speech culture" means:

Otherwise, verbal poverty is not only able to alienate the interlocutor, but it can also cause irritation. Moreover, by allowing yourself to be tongue-tied, even at home, no one guarantees that a literate speech will suddenly appear at a business meeting, during a conversation with the head, etc. To this will also be added the fact that small children surrounding such people will repeat the word parasites.

Lack of literate speech skills

If there are none, then the most common speech errors are the use of a variety of parasitic words that can only mutilate what was said (in short, as it were, etc.). Also, they include such standard phrases like "more or less", slang words (upgrade, devaysy, user, if it's not about communication in a certain circle), the use of words with the wrong accent can not only put the "speaker" in an awkward position, but also to lower it in the eyes of the interlocutor, the errors of the orthoepic plan (drushlag, risetka), abbreviated verbal forms (comp, laptop).

All these errors noticeably cut the hearing and do not bear absolutely no valuable information about the speaker, they do not create an image of a competent person .

How to develop competent speech?

The quality of literate speech needs to be improved daily, perfected. After all, even if a person is intellectually developed, well-read, has a deep inner world, but, alas, he can not express himself clearly, then he will know only what he says.

Thus, the development of literate speech requires the implementation of several simple rules:

  1. Reading literature on a variety of topics, ranging from football and ending with the latest fashion trend. Read should be slow, aware of every word.
  2. Every day, it is recommended that you follow your speech. Before you say anything, you need to think it over carefully. It will not be superfluous to get rid of the words-parasites.
  3. The pace of speech also plays an important role. So, in the moments of conversation it is necessary to pause at a certain moment, to give the said a small emotional color.
  4. Proverbs, aphorisms are able not only to develop literate speech, but also to decorate it.
  5. Communication with different people, a wide range of communication can polish speech to the desired level.