Life goals

Human life goals can be of different scales, and accordingly their implementation can take years, months and maybe even a few days. Each person has his own life plans and goals, so do not compare yourself with others and equal to certain standards recognized by society.

In life, we all strive for something, a child in the arms of the mother, the mother - to keep the pan, and the father seeks to work ... most of the time, we all have this or that goal. However, there are people who live aimlessly to understand this, it is enough to look at their life as a whole. They aimlessly go shopping, lead meaningless conversations meaningless to many and have no personal life goals.

In order not to be among the number of such people, today already form a list of the person's life goals. Look for your vital goals and, as far as possible, begin to embody them.

What are the life goals?

The tree of life goals has four main branches:

  1. Short-term life goals.
  2. Medium-term life goals.
  3. Long-term life goals.
  4. Global life goals.

When a person sets a goal, he throws all his strength to implement it and, as a rule, he is not particularly concerned about the process, he is eager to get the desired result. However, in order to achieve its goal, it is necessary to have such a character trait as purposefulness , it is it that helps to fulfill the person's vital goals. So, in order to understand how to realize your life goals and where to start, let's take a closer look at each of them:

  1. To short-term life goals can be attributed to those goals, which will take no more than three months. They include our daily plans, the things we plan to do within a week or a month. For example: go to the gym or meet friends. Of course, initially it will be difficult to fulfill its short-term goals, however, it will become easier with time, and you will feel that not even the result, as the process of achieving your cherished goal, is pleasant.
  2. Medium-term goals , as a rule, are carried out for a year. And if it is too difficult for you to go to your goal, divide its achievement into several stages. And gradually, step by step, approach its implementation. An example of medium-term goals can be the study of foreign languages ​​or the desire to leave for another country.
  3. Long-term life goals take much longer than medium- and short-term goals. They can take from one year to ten, or even fifteen years. Everything depends on the desire, physical and financial capabilities of the person, as they say, who is on that much. For example, your life goals include: writing a book, building a house or a successful career in a large firm.
  4. Those goals that do not fit into the long-term framework are called global ones . Do not be frightened by the frightening word "global", because this is just a goal that will take you a lot of time, but will bring much more satisfaction than any of the above. To achieve a global life goal you will need years and the best solution to achieve it will turn this process into a habit. Allow yourself to enjoy the process and rejoice at your own achievements. Global life goals should become life plans for you, the implementation of which will be your whole life.

Life goals are often characterized by energetic people who are used to everything in their lives to be controlled. However, energy and determination do not always guarantee the realization of life goals. You can aim to go to the top of the mountain, and climbing there to understand that this is not your top. The person's vital goals give him confidence and direction. What sometimes is quite enough.