Catholicism - what is the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism?

Catholicism is a Christian religion, which has its own peculiarities and differences from Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Catholics consider their faith to be pure and true, originating directly from the time of the existence of Jesus Christ - the Son of God and the first Christian community founded by him.

What is Catholicism?

Catholicism is one of the largest branches in the Christian religion in terms of the number of adherents. The greatest distribution of Catholicism was in the countries of Western Europe and Latin America. In translation from an armor. catholicismus - universal, universal, it can be said that representatives of Catholicism see in their confession a comprehensive truth and universality - "catholicity". The history of the appearance of Catholicism refers to the early apostolic times - I c. ad. The most flourishing Catholicism received in the Roman Empire. The structure of the Catholic Church:

  1. The heavenly head is Jesus Christ. The earthly head of the entire Catholic Diocese is the Pope.
  2. The Roman Curia is the predominant administrative body, which includes the Holy See in the person of the Pope and the sovereign city-state of the Vatican.

For Catholicism, as for the whole Christian religion, the following ritual ordinances or sacred actions are characteristic:

What is the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism?

Orthodoxy and Catholicism - it would seem, one religion - Christianity, but in both branches has its own peculiarities and differences:

  1. The Catholic Church believes in the virgin birth of Mary, through the indulgence of the Holy Spirit and the bringing of the good news. In Orthodoxy - Jesus was born from the marriage of Mary with Joseph.
  2. In Catholicism, the Divine energy of love is one and common to the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Orthodox doctrine sees in the Holy Spirit the love between the Father - the Son, God and people.
  3. Catholicism positions the Pope as the vicar of Jesus Christ on Earth. Orthodoxy recognizes the One Head only of Jesus Christ.
  4. The most beloved and solemn holiday of Christians - the Great Easter in Catholicism is calculated, relying on the Alexandrian Easter, and Orthodoxy on the Gregorian, hence the difference of two weeks.
  5. The Catholic Church obliges to vow celibacy and monks and clergymen, in the Orthodox celibacy only for monks.

Protestantism and Catholicism - differences

Protestantism is a relatively young trend in Christianity, originated with the light hand of a prominent Christian theologian of the 16th century. Martin Luther, who spoke and criticized Catholic priests who tried to cash in on their parishioners by selling indulgences. The most important difference between Protestantism and Catholicism is that the Bible is the authority for Protestants, whereas in Catholicism, the foundations and traditions are no less important.

Other features that distinguish these two currents are:

  1. Most of the Protestant churches are against the worship of saints, celibacy and the adoption of monasticism as opposed to Catholicism.
  2. Protestantism has formed many currents with conservative and liberal views (Lutheranism, Baptism, Anglicanism). Catholicism is an established, conservatively arranged Christian movement.
  3. Protestants do not believe in the "trying" of the soul and the passage of purgatory. Catholics are - believers, that there is a purgatory - a place where the soul is purified from sins.

Deadly Sins in Catholicism

The Catholic Church sees a person helpless, weak, prone to vices and sins, without love and reliance on God. Original sin is not considered mortal, but only distorting human nature. The main or mortal sins are seven:

How to accept Catholicism?

Religion Catholicism is considered the largest Christian offshoot in terms of the number of parishioners, whose number is growing every day. What should a person who accepted Orthodoxy in his time, but who wants to convert to the Catholic faith, because here he finds more answers to his questions and the soul receives more responses? The process of transition is multifaceted and depends on the sincere desire and aspiration of the believer. Acceptance of Catholicism is as follows:

  1. A conversation with a priest and a statement of intent to accept or pass into the Catholic faith.
  2. Confirmation of the determination to follow the Divine and deep personal devotion to Jesus Christ.
  3. Acceptance and confession of the contents of the Nicene Creed as the only true one.

Catholicism in the Modern World

The Catholic temple is a sanctuary for believers, where every parishioner can address sore people, share their doubts and get support by communicating with a clergyman. So it was always. Today, the Catholic Church is pessimistic about social innovations and changes. Faith is often accepted formally - from tradition. Catholic priests see their tasks as before:

Catholicism - interesting facts

In the history of Catholicism there are interesting facts:

  1. Every self-respecting Catholic on Friday is not meat. On this occasion in the XVII century. Archbishop of Quebec showed the desire of the Catholic Church to re-qualify the animals: muskrat, capybar and beaver in the category of fish, so that they can be eaten on Fridays.
  2. All known animated characters Homer and Bart Simpsons are called by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano by the true Catholics: they read the prayer before meals, go to Sunday sermons and believe in the afterlife.