When is it better to get married?

The dress and shoes are selected, the list of guests is drawn up, the menu is discussed. It remains to think about an equally important question - when do you need to get married? A question that can not be taken lightly to the frivolous, if only because he worried so many girls and women before you. We'll gather the secrets that served them with grains and try to use them to determine when you'd better marry so that your family life turned out to be long, serene and happy.

What is the best time to get married?

When choosing which number you want to marry, you (if you want!) Can take into account the following. Astrology teaches that for each person the happiest number of each month will be the number in which he was born - and all those whose figures in the sum give this number. In other words, if a person was born on the 5th day, then 14 (1 + 4) and 23 (2 + 3) numbers of each month will be happy for him. Why not take into account this little thing, thinking about when you'd better get married?

What day is better to get married?

Our grandmothers said that it was better to start any important business on a "women's" day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. True, for religious people, marriages on Saturdays are not allowed - just as on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are interested in this aspect of the topic, I'll add the following. It is better not to marry:

  1. On the eve of all the great holidays, as well as the feasts of the twelve and the temple.
  2. During the posts: Christmas, Assumption, Petrov and the Great.
  3. During the Christmas season - the period from 7 to 20 January.
  4. In the Mardi Gras period - starting with the Meatbeek week.
  5. During the Easter week.
  6. 11 and 12 September - the day before and the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist.
  7. September 26 and 27 - the eve and the day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

In addition to the Church, our ancestors had one more adviser. On it not only weddings or started building of habitation, but even baked bread and tarred barrels under pickles. You guessed right - it's about the moon. Until now, it dictates to us not only what day it is better to get married, but also on what day it is better to go to the hairdresser. So, take the lunar calendars and note what Sergey Vronsky says on the topic of interest to us:

  1. The best for the wedding will be the following Lunar days: 6th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 26th and 27th.
  2. These days of the Moon will be bad: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th and 29th.

Of course, the most accurate answer to the question, when you'd better marry, could be given your personal astrological chart. We have given here some of the basic information that you can rely on while you do not have such a card.

In which month should I marry?

In Russia, traditionally the most productive for the wedding were the autumn months - when all the work in the field was over. Today, such a benchmark serves, probably, very few couples in love. But, it seems, that for a long time young girls thought about the month in which they should marry. It's not for nothing that today the sentence is alive: "In May, marry off - a century to suffer." In France, in addition to May, very bad for weddings is considered the month of March. What to say? Each person has his own happy and unhappy months, and if you think about it, it will not be so difficult to remember in which period of the year we manage everything with the flight, and when - we just beat our forehead against the wall. Therefore, you will be able to determine for yourself, in which month you better marry.

What time is it possible to get married?

Where? In Yemen - at least 8. In Russia, plus this will have to wait a dozen more years. I propose the following. Instead of discussing how much you can get married, let's talk about how much better to get married.

What is the best way to get married?

Implying that you want to become a mother - otherwise the meaning of the question posed is not particularly clear. If you focus on the natural mechanisms inherent in the body of a woman Nature, the most suitable period for the first pregnancy is the age of up to 30 years. The best option for this is the interval from 23 to 25 years.

When is it better for a girl to get married?

  1. When she is old enough. She really does not want to be with a crying child in her arms - during that period of her life when she often goes to work straight from the club in the morning, where she spent the night with her friends.
  2. When it will be economically independent. Why hang on to yourself the shackles of official relations only because she can not support herself?
  3. When she meets someone who really fits her. And when she and her elect will have a similar opinion on basic life issues - including the question of whether to create a family for them.